So right now i am running this build: proble is, i have no idea what i am doing. When i run dungeons, if i see someone lose healt drasticly, i panic.. I feel like that i dont heal enough, i just got that build and just sorted my powers out..
What am i suppose to do? am i suppose to heal or am i suppose to give out my buffs?
If the whole party is getting low on healt, is divine glow enough to keep them up?
Any advice would be taken with gratitude.
i am just very confused to what my job is.
If your party needs a healer they should take one,
if they can survive with minimal heals you should be fine with just Astral Seal and Divine Glow.
1) We can't heal or protect through one-shots of certain bosses or mobs if the players do not know the mechanics of that boss/mob e.g. standing behind Lostmauth when he swipes his tail
2) If players stand in red, then it's on them if they survive or not. I will try to heal and protect as best as I can, but if they die then it is somewhat expected
3) We can't protect players that don't stand in our astral shield. I try to place it in the thick of battle where the Tank is usually
4) My primary duty is to heal and protect the Tank - if DPS characters run ahead then they should look after themselves for a little while until I can catch up (and after I ensure the Tank is safe)
Having said that, I also learnt the differences between the different types of Clerics. You can have:
1) The Clutch Healer (Faithful Capstone) - instant heals stored as Gift of Faith when health drops below 45%. I run this when I am pugging and am unsure of the survivability of the tank, or if I want to give extra protection to the DPS chars
2) The Buffer/Debuffer (Either AC with Anointed Army, or DO with Terrifying Insight. Both with the Righteous Capstone) - This type of cleric cannot heal as well as a Virtuous or Faithful healer. There are no automatic saved heals (Faithful), or automatic HoT abilities (Virtuous). I only run this with experienced players when I want the run to go as quickly as possible, or if there is already another protector/healer in the party. If you run this build as the primary healer, your heals have to be timed and aimed well.
3) The DPS cleric (doesn't really exist compared to pure DPS classes, but full Righteous DO is usually the closest) - the one I use when soloing dailies or content
With loadouts, you should be able to switch between various types. Again, it is better to heal and protect and keep your team mates alive, than to buff. If they are dead, then there is nothing to buff.
My advice when starting out as a healer, is to use one of your loadouts to choose a Faithful Healer dipped in Virtuous for Gift of Haste (Tier 3). Some tips with this build:
- The best performing healing feats in the Faithful tree are: Shared Burdens (Tier 4), Test of Faith (Tier 5) and Agent of the Divine (Capstone)
- Desperate Restoration (Tier 1) works beautifully with clutch healing
- Resounding Beliefs (Tier 1) is usually better than any of the Tier 2 feats
- Gift of the Gods (Tier 3) and Bountiful Fortune 5/5 gives you plenty of divinity to work with
- Choose Power and Recovery over other stats. AP gain from feats/items is very useful too
- More HP is useful to increase the damage mitigated with empowered AS
- For powers, I typically use Divine Glow, Empowered Astral Shield and Bastion of Health
- You can use empowered Break the Spirit instead of Astral Shield if your party can survive without AS
- Prophecy of Doom can also be used instead of BoH to provide an extra debuff if your party does not need the extra heals
- You are always casting on players because DG and BoH will store heals via Gift of Faith, and will also restore AP with Gift of Haste
- For Class Features, if you are DO (which is easier to run as a beginner, as the AC build requires a lot of power in order to power share effectively), then slot Terrifying Insight for +20% ally damage bonus (passive skill, so it is an easy buff)
- I use Hastening Light to reduce cooldowns for all my and my teammates' powers (you need good AP generation for this), however, Prophetic Action can make you extra tanky, and your teammates a bit too. Divine Fortune can replenish your divinity faster and is useful if you want to keep up your empowered spells continuously
- Light of Divinity with the artifact off-hand bonus for divinity generation is sometimes better than Divine Fortune, as it is a passive divinity builder. Also the heals from this can proc Engine Insipiration (Maze Engine Boon) and also Shared Burdens (it makes the Faithful Capstone function a little like Virtuous
- Use Hallowed Ground as often as you can
- A well-timed Divine Armor daily can also be life-saving
In terms of buffs, if you can keep up your rotation of Hallowed Ground (+20% damage), 3/3 Empowered Break the Spirit (+30% damage) and with Terrifying Insight Slotted (+20%) with the buffs and debuffs from Divine Glow (Divine cast +5% damage, Unempowered Cast -10% enemy DR) then you can buff your team well enough, but also provide AP gain and clutch healing. (It's also very good for PvP due to its tankiness).
My rotation would usually be:
- DG on enemies (debuff) and allies (buff)
- divine DG on allies (buff)
- divine AS on allies (temp HP)
- divine BoH (if healing needed) or divine DG (to reach ranged allies) or divine AS (as it is fast to cast)
- with 3 divinity pips I cast fully empowered AS (damage mitigation), BoH (to store a huge amount of healing in Gift of Faith, or just after taking a lot damage) or BtS (if slotted instead of AS for more buffs)
- Brand of the Sun, and then a few casts of another at-will to replenish divinity
- Hallowed Ground when available, or Divine Armor when I know a big hit is coming (Orcus' Shout)
- Rinse, repeat
Note: Only normal casts of BoH or DG store healing via Gift of Faith or grant AP via Gift of Haste. It is the HoT ability in the normal cast which proc the two Gifts.
As you get more experienced, and your gear/items improve, then by all means move towards a more buff centred build. But I always keep the build above in my loadouts for those difficult runs, or if I am running with newer players.
If you PUG, you will experience some horrible players. Don't blame yourself. Make the best of the situation. And move onto a better group next time.
Good players understand that managing their health is their problem, not the cleric's. This is not WOW or Everquest or any other number of games with the classic healer role. Your role is help the group take down the enemy. You minimize the damage from the enemy, you maximize the damage of your group and you provide some healing.
Casting Astral Seal on everything will usually be enough to keep your DPS group members alive. If they die, it should not bother you. They either stood in red or were one-shotted by the boss (flips off the boss in Skirmish at Tuern). Or they neglected to provide themselves with any healing capability. You cannot control that. So don't try.
Cast Astral Shield on your tank if they need it, to give them better damage mitigation. Cast Hallowed Ground so that it covers your group. You might have that Ranger that positions themselves away from everyone else, do not worry about them, they should have positioned themselves behind you. Do your best in covering the group with Hallowed Ground and use it as often as you can.
I have a love affair with Daunting Light. I use the Divinity version and Empowered x3 for massive damage. Some people love Prophecy of Doom. I don't like that it is single target and slow casting. But you might find it fun to use. So go with what is fun for you.
Learn to use Divinity and Empowered versions of your spells.
There are many ways to become more powerful in this game. So many options for improving your gear. What do you enjoy doing? I like skirmishes, Throne of the Dwarven Gods is my current favorite. If you do not have much time, it is good to improve your equipment. It also provides the resources to move through the Underdark campaign. Very easy way to progress your character. I run with a DO DPS build, using Avatar.
And do not overlook the Auction House. There are some very inexpensive upgrades you can buy there, like the Drow shirt and pants. Sometimes you can find artifact equipment cheap, too. Blue mounts and purple companions are usually affordable upgrades as well. Research the mounts to make sure they offer you insignia bonuses you want. But the main reason to have blue mounts is they provide 3 insignias that allow you to modify your stats easily.
So much more I could share, but it sounds like you are very new. The most important thing is to learn to use Divinity and Empowered versions of your Encounter powers have to dodge. When soloing, I am a dodging machine. It will allow you to take down monsters that might seem impossible. For instance, during the Neverwinter Siege, I was soloing one of the dragons. After 5 minutes, I had it down to 50% health. (my gear level only @9500 at the time) So I could have killed it solo. But a GF showed up and ruined my solo party. He allowed me to unload DPS and not worry about dodging. So we took it down in a few minutes after he arrived.
Good luck and don't forget to have FUN!
i've posted a guide on mmominds that adresses low IL DCs who are looking for a good buff and heal balance. or just go with the feats that vordayn recommended. it should really help you out for the start.
I wholdn't put 9 points on Urgent prayers, Second sight or Have faith.
if you want to put points in Virtuous, its only to get Gift of haste.
AC have Battle fervor which is good as well, it make it worth putting 15 points.
you can play Virtuous cap boon and take Weapon of light. you will buff nice and Cleansing fire is ok.
if you beginner and need some damage, 5/5 Fire of the gods is great.
if you need to heal just use Bastion of health. there is no way your party will complain about healing.
Lasting wishes, Resounding belifes and Desperate resoration are good heals if you think you need some.
if you want to buff try build with more party feats.
something like this:,1li3319:1z04000:1000000:1550z57&h=0&p=dvo&o=0
for leveling and doing damage, make another build