There's something going on with some of the accounts ( I suspect a lot of the different accounts are controlled by the same person or group ) that have a LOT of postings in the AH . Observing their characters - they are always in the same place , they never move .
Maybe they only logon to play the market ( though not the game which is weird , but hey maybe that's fun to them ) , but if I get into a bidding war with one of these accounts one of them will always undercut to the nearest thousand value ( always ending in 000 but never being reduced by a single AD ) .
If you look at the AH postings where they are the only characters to have items in that category as long as one of these accounts is first to show then there is no bidding war . It ONLY seems to occur where someone else tries to sell an item .
4 of my 5 characters are not moving from one spot for 99% time and I just relist items on them. There isn't any botting involved though lol. I if log (usually once a day) and I see my items undercutted - I just relist and that's all. Btw 5 char * 30 = 150 listings. I split the stacks before posting and then copy paste desired value so I cal relist whole page of items under minute.
And obviously why someone would undercut himself? lol. that's why when there isn't any other seller I'm not doing anything. Or If I see frequent seller who is 'civil' I leave him too and I'm not doing any relistings.
And obviously why someone would undercut himself? lol. that's why when there isn't any other seller I'm not doing anything. Or If I see frequent seller who is 'civil' I leave him too and I'm not doing any relistings.