Can anybody please confirm whether or not the cooldown on Wanderers Fortune is limited to each character individually, or whether it is across account.
I'm trying to determine whether I should buy a mount from the Zen store (if there is a separate cooldown for each character) so that I can use it on all my toons, or if the cooldown is account wide, then I'll just get the gilded spider on my main.
Many thanks for any replies.
From what I have found researching online, some people say the cooldown is similar to the Dragon's Hoard enchantment of 20 hours whereas others say it's around 6 hours, so I was just wondering if anyone has any definitive confirmation of what it is.
EDIT: It's 20 hours.
While I was still playing mostly PvE content, it was a HUGE QOL issue.
I was farming stuff for the guild on 9 characters, and I don't think anyone should expect me, or others like me, to keep track of, or plan my day according to some garbage feature that makes no sense.
This goes especially to quests and heroic shard drops.