A week ago i started playing this game because my friends and I are massive role-players and we spent most of our time on Elder Scrolls Online but found ourselves wanting. We ended up coming over to Neverwinter because it had more of a Middle Earth feel to it. Now mind you we take very large amounts of pride in our character creation because we're all Dungeons and Dragons players and we put a lot of time into our characters backstories. I created my character to be a half-orc who hailed from the northdark and was exiled so the origin was Northdark and the variant was Underdark Exile. Two days later while me and my friends are gaming they noticed that my back story has been changed instead of it being a Underdark Exile of the Northdark it now says that I'm a battle-tested veteran from the Dalelands. So somehow it ended up changing my biography. Fun thing is if I go to my title underneath my name it still allows me to select the Title "Of the Northdark". The deity I follow is still the one that I chose but again my origin and my origin variant are not what I chose. Now I submitted a ticket to support and they said to come to the forums that they could not resolve it and I needed to bring this to the forums. My psn account is Akkadian2009, my character name is Akkadian. I use a ps4. Any other info needed from me will be provided upon request. Once again i originally chose the Origin of Northdark and the variant of Underdark Exile but now it says origin The Dalelands and variant Battle-tested Veteran. It even deleted my personal biography but i can redo that. What i need help with is resolcing the glitch and having my Origin and Variant changed back to what i originally chose them as. Please help asap as me and my friends base our playstyle off of our characters and backstories to keep the role playing feel maximised, we never break character so not having what i originaly chose is ruining the experience for me.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!