I've been crashing a couple of times an hour. Ever since the latest updates it's been worse. I can hardly finish a quest without the game closing me down. Not my system, as every other game/app works fine. Even did a total re-install of NW with no joy. Very frustrating.
I don't get an error message. But it's not just my game its my PC as well. And it only happens with this game. I am on STO for hours and nothing. I was getting about 2 hours before my PC would crash. I have reset the Graphics I might need to lower them some more. (YUCK) But it will play then boom nothing. The odd thing is my PC is not getting to hot when it does this. It happend an hour ago and I had not been on for more then 10 minutes. Sto? was on for an hour and nothing. I will keep checking the temp but from what I am reading its seems to not be what others are dealing with.