Hi all, quick question. I recently acquired a new companion, an epic battlefield medic. It has an active companion bonus of +6% incoming healing as I understand it. Yesterday I was looking at my character sheet and noticed something strange. Nowhere on the character sheet can I find the 6% incoming healing bonus from my battlefield medic. On the character sheet you have an incoming healing bonus rating which reads 0 in my case. Further on there is another rating given concerning incoming healing which is 0.1% in my case. Neither rating shows the active bonus from my battlefield medic...
Does anyone know why this is? Is this a bug or is there some other reason why the active bonus is not shown on your character sheet? Do I actually get the bonus if it is not shown on the character sheet?
The reason I ask is because I can find my other active bonuses on my character sheet, e.g. +55 movement etc.
I have tried summoning and unsummoning my companion to see if this would change anything but it had no effect.
I hope someone can clarify this situation for me. If the active bonus doesn't work then the reason I got the battlefield medic pretty much disappears.
AFAIK, battlefield medic incoming healing bonus is working, it's just not shown on the stats sheet in any manner.