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Dawn of the Dragons Bane is looking for Gauntlets

Hello all,

Well late last week some room opened up unexpectedly, and thanks to that we are currently looking for 3 gauntlets to join our alliance.

A little about us, we are a GH 18 (19 building) helm guild with a bunch of great guilds in the alliance. The alliance lvl was 148 before this restructuring occurred. The guilds that are currently in our alliance, in case you have friends here to sweeten the deal, are

Swords: ZeroSumAxis, Filthy Casuals, BloodLust
Gauntlets: Destroy All Monsters, Polish Hussars, Icewind Warriors, Malicious Intent, the RNG screwed me, and Fury Unleashed.

We try to keep the alliance drama free, we run events constantly be it Tiamat, SVA, Double/Triple Dragon Flight, or Influence Farms. There is always something running and people are all pretty helpful. If you join we have a leadership round table where issues are brought up and voted on, you will be included on decisions that effect the alliance.

We're looking for rank 8 guilds, but if you're active and progressing exceptions can and will be made.

If this sounds like the kinda place you'd like to make your guilds home please feel free to PM me and we can talk more.

Thank you

-Dandello Rotcloak Rank 6 Officer DotDB
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