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Spell Twisting does not proc Icy Rays in Tab

sykophre4ksykophre4k Member Posts: 4 Arc User
I am sure this has been brought up multiple times, but I wanted to ping it to see if devs are aware at all.

Here is how you can reproduce the bug:

1)Log into any lvl 60+ Control Wizard that has Spell Twisting feated and Icy Rays rank 1 at minimum
2)Go to Dread Ring or Stronghold (or wherever there are dummies you can attack)
3)Slot Icy Rays directly to Tab
4)Use at least 3 of your encounters, including Icy Rays, on dummies
5)Immediately cast an At-Will to proc Spell Twisting (Storm Pillar works best imo, but any At-Will is fine)

Observed Result:
All encounters immediately receive the cooldown from Spell Twisting, except for Icy Rays in Tab

Expected Result:
All encounters immediately receive the cooldown from Spell Twisting

Now if you slot Icy Rays to Q, E or R, Spell Twisting will work. And if you move Icy Rays to Tab AFTER you have done this, Spell Twisting will start working.

This issue has been going on for at least two years and I have not seen any mention of someone looking into it or getting it fixed. I would LOVE to have this fixed as Icy Rays in Tab would make a GREAT rotation spell if it was working right. Please look into this.

P.S. It has also been brought up that when Icy Rays is slotted, it says it is an At-Will and not an Encounter like its supposed to be.
P.S.S. Ray Of Enfeeblement also has the same issue when slotted in Tab, but will bring up another time in a separate post.


  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User

    P.S.S. Ray Of Enfeeblement also has the same issue when slotted in Tab, but will bring up another time in a separate post.

    I'm pretty certain it has to do with any spell that has multiple charges (2 charges like RoE and icy rays has 2 separate cast components).

    For other classes, there are similar interactions where cooldown-reducing effects do not trigger for powers that have charges.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Powera with charges definitely react differently than normal ones regarding cooldowns. DC power healing word is never treated as being in cooldown as long as at least one charge remains. You can swap another encounter to HW, expend 2 charges and swap it back immediately as it hadn't been cast at all. This works especially well with a portable altar or VIP as no cooldowns will be triggered.

    I used to use this back in mod 1 when first leaning to run dailies with my DC. 2 charges of healing and in to the next encounter.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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