Heya, just putting it out there for the record... I haven't attempted Svardborg much since the AA nerf, since the first run at Master Svardborg ended in a massacre with an almost all 4k+ group, but I have been dabbling in normal Svardborg lately for some alts and today this is what I got:
Svardborg boss stops attacking.
The fight stops progressing.
Boss's hit-points reach ZERO but nothing happens.
10 players curse at Cryptic.
---wash rinse repeat
SVA sucks... the initial onslaught is ridiculous, the frequency of "icing up" and "single/double red arrows" is waaaay to much!!! As a DC in nSVA I spent 75% of the time either running off the the edge from double arrows, or stuck in ice, or dead... idk what the heck happened but it isn't very fun. I definitely am not thinking about trying to get my (currently "epic") relic weapons upgraded on my 4.1k cw.... cause NONE of the parties I have joined can beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now it is bugging??????? RAWR!
Svardborg is a nice and good "dungeon" to play with some tactics, if your group isnt that strong ( GS !!! is NOT equal skill) to burn the boss. Its a 10 man raid and everybody have to move and play well. The frequency is allwas the same. Just do this a few times and youll see. If the boss is bugged, that suxx. But this fight is absolutely not to hard or the frequencies are to fast.
If you have any say in the grouping, don't accept being the only healer. If they don't listen, tell them to find someone else.
SVA is very structured to force people to build balanced parties and to support each other - even the DPS need to think and act for the group. Now seriously OP groups can ignore this but most will have to actually think.