How's plague fire enchant doing in comparison to Dread after the dmg buff? The difference between them was huge, but the debuff was very similar. Dread seemed to be the enchant to use. How is it now?
I'm playing an MoF Renegade/Spell Twisting with Swath + Combustive.
Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
MoF Debuffer
Courtesy of @michela123.
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
So as I understand it, frost is now better that PF in terms of debuffs?
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen