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Blood Red Danger Zones? Try Icy Terrain more Transparent.

strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
edited April 2017 in Player Feedback (PC)
So awhile back some complained they couldn't see Red mark's sometimes when Icy Terrain is on their wizard's. Sure OK fair enough... But rather the fix the symptom and make Icy Terrain and little more transparent so it's easy to see the Red.

Instead we have now all Blood Red Warning area's to avoid and while I don't like the darker color as much some look aright if their more transparent and only brightening up near the edges. But when an Enemy goes to explode on Death they paint a circle that's bright and solid blood RED and this really is only making the problem their trying to FIX worse not better.

Come on guys revert the Red back to the way it was before then simply make the Icy Terrain a little more transparent so you can see the normal red zone's a little easier thru it. Far too much FX and color get's overdone as it is it looks like your exploding a paint factory with nukes. :'(


  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    I've suggested things like that a few times, but i recommended a bit better, imo, approach: make red areas and mob attacks ON TOP of all other effects, like players encounters, etc. Mobs damaging aoes/attacks should be visible always, be it on fire (i.e. eLoL and falling rocks), player casting encounter (Icy Terrain, Pillar of Power...), companions (i.e. 100% black area that leave paranoid delusion), etc.
    I just wish all these posts devs read from time to time :'(
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    The exploding enemy pure blood red dark circle's is just plain horribly done. :'(
  • waywardwizard#4349 waywardwizard Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    Yes please, the icing on the floor makes it impossible to see anything.
  • damoc#3687 damoc Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    you don't see much over an hallowed ground either nor when you have a lot of divine glow... and don't forget your frienly neiborhood Pilar of Power
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    Exploding Paint Factor is what it often looks like when you doing PoM with all the dark Red's everywhere and the Blue's & Green's of different tones from Bruenor Artifacts and a few other powers... River Major HE's looks almost just as bad. >:)
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