Sent an email to customer support and they suggested to post here instead. I have a green dancing shield companion which i have bound to my gf but it has no active bonus ( percentage deflect). Customer support did suggest upgrading it to blue to see what happens but its a lot of ad to use in case its bugged. Any suggestions?
This is not the only companion that is affected, there are others that also don't have an active bonus at uncommon (green) level. I think the odds are pretty good that it would get an active bonus once you upgrade it to rare.
That said, the reason folks run a dancing shield isn't for the active bonus (2% deflect chance at epic is pretty small anyway). It's for the shield slam attack that the shield does when it's summoned, which applies a 20% uncapped DR debuff to the enemy. I don't think you even need to get to epic to unlock that attack.