Hey guys,
This is a new solution. Not a repost.
I have seen this asked about a few times in various forums, so I thought I'd share this here where everyone can benefit. The following are fully legal tweaks made to your CommandAliases.txt file that will enable
full camera zoom without the side effects that plagued this solution in the past. This is based on the work of
benecor, fr0gurt and
Wendylblack, and includes a fix for known issues.
- Freely Zoom in/out with mousewheel during play (fov min 16, max 100, default 55)
- Fast Zoom (CTRL+Scroll, not available in Inspect Mode)
- Zoom Reset with middle-click (fov 55)
- No longer interferes with Character Selection Screen (leaving play now resets zoom)
- No longer interferes with Inspect Mode (ESC key now exits inspect as well as 'b'
- END key disables zoom changes, middle-click re-enables
Set UpSTEP 1On your desktop create a text file named "CommandAliases.txt"
STEP 2Paste the following code into the file:
alias fov16 "gfxsetdefaultfov 16 $$ bind wheelminus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov20"
alias fov20 "gfxsetdefaultfov 20 $$ bind wheelplus fov16 $$ bind wheelminus fov25 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov25 "gfxsetdefaultfov 25 $$ bind wheelplus fov20 $$ bind wheelminus fov30 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov30 "gfxsetdefaultfov 30 $$ bind wheelplus fov25 $$ bind wheelminus fov35 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov35 "gfxsetdefaultfov 35 $$ bind wheelplus fov30 $$ bind wheelminus fov40 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov40 "gfxsetdefaultfov 40 $$ bind wheelplus fov35 $$ bind wheelminus fov45 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov45 "gfxsetdefaultfov 45 $$ bind wheelplus fov40 $$ bind wheelminus fov50 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov50 "gfxsetdefaultfov 50 $$ bind wheelplus fov45 $$ bind wheelminus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov55"
alias fov55 "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ bind wheelplus fov50 $$ bind wheelminus fov60 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov20 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov60 "gfxsetdefaultfov 60 $$ bind wheelplus fov55 $$ bind wheelminus fov65 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov65 "gfxsetdefaultfov 65 $$ bind wheelplus fov60 $$ bind wheelminus fov70 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov70 "gfxsetdefaultfov 70 $$ bind wheelplus fov65 $$ bind wheelminus fov75 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov75 "gfxsetdefaultfov 75 $$ bind wheelplus fov70 $$ bind wheelminus fov80 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov80 "gfxsetdefaultfov 80 $$ bind wheelplus fov75 $$ bind wheelminus fov85 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55 $$ bind ctrl+wheelminus fov85"
alias fov85 "gfxsetdefaultfov 85 $$ bind wheelplus fov80 $$ bind wheelminus fov90 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov55"
alias fov90 "gfxsetdefaultfov 90 $$ bind wheelplus fov85 $$ bind wheelminus fov95 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov85"
alias fov95 "gfxsetdefaultfov 95 $$ bind wheelplus fov90 $$ bind wheelminus fov100 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov85"
alias fov100 "gfxsetdefaultfov 100 $$ bind wheelplus fov95 $$ bind ctrl+wheelplus fov85"
alias enterinspect "gfxsetdefaultfov 45 $$ unbind ctrl+wheelplus $$ unbind ctrl+wheelminus $$ camTogglePlayerInspect $$ bind b exitinspect $$ bind escape exitinspect $$ bind wheelplus CamZoomIn $$ bind wheelminus CamZoomOut"
alias exitinspect "camTogglePlayerInspect $$ bind b enterinspect $$ bind escape escmenu $$ fov55"
alias escmenu "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ GameMenu 1"
alias cszoom "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ gotocharacterselect"
STEP 3Save or copy file to "Program Files (x86)\Neverwinter_en\Neverwinter\Live\localdata" folder (or equivalent location if installed through Steam)
STEP 4Login to Neverwinter, select character, and once in play, open console/chat window
Type or copy each of the following lines into the chat box one at a time, pressing Enter between each:
/bind Middleclick "fov55 $$ bind b enterinspect"
/bind End "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ bind wheelplus CamZoomIn $$ bind wheelminus CamZoomOut $$ bind b camTogglePlayerInspect"
/bind ctrl+x cszoom
/bind escape escmenu
Note: original instructions included the line "/bind wheelminus fov55" but I think this is redundant and unnecessary.STEP 5Exit console and click middle mouse button to initialize zooming ('End' key disables zooming, click middle-mouse button to reenable)
STEP 6Repeat Steps 4 & 5 for each character, and then enjoy!
Alternatively, after you have entered the keybinds into your first character's console, you can save them to a file by entering the following command: "bind_save_file [filename.txt]" (if you already use a keybinds file, skip this step). Then open each alt character and enter into the console "bind_load_file [filename.txt]". This will share your keybinds between characters.
Known IssuesOccasionally there is a weird bug that happens if you try to access menus etc while in Inspect Mode. If this happens just try combinations of toggling Inspect Mode, pressing the END key, and middle-clicking your mouse. This usually clears things up within seconds.
Once in a great while, I will log in and keybinds do not function. This may be an issue unrelated to these tweaks. Switching characters or leaving the zone has helped. It has never lasted long for me.