Stronghold: 8 working toward 9 boons: 3200 defence/2000 armpen roster: roster size 70 average item level 2400 Alliance: in alliance with paragon gaming run everything from edemo sva msva and even run the t1-t2 dungeons for the lower IL or just a good days grid lower dragons: dragons are ran 5 days a week twice a day depending on who shows up
Videos: guild videos pending
About the guild: We focus on helping each other progress in the game as much as possible Guild requirements: all ages welcome some maturity level 30+ required donate what you can no entry fee required Website: we have a page for builds on facebook and a group page
About our activity:
Average people on 7-8 and 10-14 when it gets busy if you have questions or if would like to discuss if Ouroboros is meant for you, you can do the following °Reply to the thread with info about you and gamer tag °Contact me via Xbox live. °Private mess me with your gamer tag
My xbox gamer tag heavythunder46 gamer tag of my leader deadboy1138