I've been asked quite a bit about my build in game so I finally figured, with the new DC changes, I should make a simple little guide on how I do what I do. Hopefully this helps someone out there. Let me know what you think!
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Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
I have a new half-elf DC. New to the game as a player also. Level 15 right now.
I'm wondering what crafting I should look into that would best support this character's development. Weapons? Armor/type?
Any guidance on the game would help. I'm starting to figure out things like the dailies, I know those can give AD and such - so still on the learning curve there. In groups I'd rather heal than DPS so I am hesitant to join dungeon queues just yet, as I don't want to be a let down. I too have no interest in PvP - nothing against it, it just doesn't interest me. So mostly soloing content for now.
The various armor professions are mostly only useful for making reinforcement kits, but unless you want to make them to sell it is easier to just buy them.
In general, professions in Neverwinter are under developed, grindy, and mostly just for making resources.
At level 70, you will get weekly quests that give some AD. Dungeons and skirmishes will give AD. 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes will get you close to their daily limits. Dungeon AD is a flat rate. Skirmish is leveled and nor a great return at low levels. Note that the 'normal' dungeons aren't that hard and healing isnt really required. Also, max level characters may be in your party, scaled down theoretically, making the instance more a race than a fight. Anyone who needs healing is probably beyond the kind of help you can give...
Level 70 dungeons are a difference story, where everyone and their mothers wants a DC, but you'll get there in time.
And yes, the normal dungeons have the same AD yield as epics, just no salvage, so you will see a lot of people's high level alts running them to generate income. Player reaction to this has been very mixed, to say the least. Not all 'at level' players are equal as well. With enough account wide unlocks (mounts, red dragon artifact, pets) and guild boons, someone's alt who is running the dungeon for the achievement, completion can speed run the content as well. (example: Heavy Armored Warg mount gives 1k Crit and Armor Pen, which does not scale down. That makes running low level content a faceroll)
For the most part, just enjoy the quests and learn how to play your character solo while leveling up. This game doesn't give a lot of chances for support characters to learn their roles before level 70, healers even more than tanks.