The Lords of Contempt are looking for new members or smaller guilds to join us. We are a rank 6 guild with rank 4 boons unlocked. We only need influence for guildhall rank 7 upgrade and are looking for active adventurers to help us make the push to guildhall rank 12 and beyond. We only have one rule... be respectful to others. All are welcome and there are no requirements or restrictions for guild invites. Please check us out in game through the guild search to find a member to invite or message me @ strife77 on the ps4.
Happy hunting
Strife the Savage 70 tr
Strife the Sentinel 70 op
Strife the Savior 70 dc
Strife the Slayer 70 gwf
Strife the Shield 70 gf
Strife the Shank 70 hr
Lords of Contempt
Neverwinter ps4