So I have a Level 70+ Control Wizard and this bug has always been extremely annoying and sometimes has caused me to lose HP and or die during a combat situation depending upon how intense the situation is. This is what happens: if I'm fighting MOB's or a few individual assailants with a BOSS in the background for example, there may be a delay be for the next wave comes and I am still in the process of an attack so I may have had the R2 button pressed using CHILLING CLOUD but all the enemies are dead at the moment. What I see is my Control Wizard hunched over, stuck in place with a white glowing light in his/her hands and no target. Until I have a target to strike or can release the charge via an encounter move I am completely vulnerable to any sudden attack. Personally, it is a waste of an encounter move which has to recharge to use, which makes me more vulnerable. Ideally, I could be spinning around like crazy looking for something to hit but that is not realistic. My attack capabilities should not be hindered or "locked up" for any reason. I think this is something that could be patched or looked into. Any opinions? Has anyone else experienced this situation?