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VIP ideas - Higher rough AD limit - Legendary Dragon keys in the tradebar store and more...?

elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
edited February 2017 in Player Feedback (PC)
So, in my opinion it would be really great if there would be a few more VIP ranks with interesting features. I've been talking with some guild and alliance members about this and we have come up with a few ideas I'd like to suggest.

- Introduce a higher rough Astral Diamond limit. Currently it is 36k AD a day, would be nice if it was 46 or 56k at VIP rank 13 for example.
- Add the [Legendary Dragon Key] to the tradebar store OR add one free [Legendary Dragon Key] every couple of days or every week to a higher VIP rank, much like the lockbox keys.
- A small discount on the AH tax. Reduce 10% to 5% or something along that line at a higher rank.
- Higher discounts on the wondrous bazaar at a higher rank, as already currently done so with other ranks.
- Get x% more guild marks at a higher rank.
- Summon Seal vendor at will.
- Summon consumables and kits shop at will.
- Summon stronghold mimic at will.
- Increase the Influence cap from 400 to 600, or something along that line.

Please add your ideas below if you have more :)


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    wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    kits and consumes already included in summonable vendor.

    one i like, summon mimic while in dungeons as soon you are too full to loot is a plus+, maybe at rank 15th?

    i did like to see rank 20, once you reach 20th, and once that unlocked, each month you use zen to maintain monthly, you get 1 free coal ward a month. it would keep many players to stay at 20th ranks and stay within in every month. that ward would be bind to any character when activate each month.
    it would get Cryptic a healthy amount of cash each month.
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    junglegirl777junglegirl777 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Personally, the main thing that has often crossed my mind since I hit Rank 12 VIP is...what the heck am I supposed to do with all these epic dungeon keys and ID scrolls? After rank 70, it's very rare that I ID anything, ever. And of course the scrolls are bound to me, so I usually end up just having to chuck them for space. I have a stack of 99 epic keys on each character..which I'd not be able to use up in a month of Sundays. Even with the new 'useful items' tab to store the keys (love it, btw) I still haven't bothered to open the rewards pack that rewards dungeon keys/ID scrolls for...what, 6 months? I log in and grab my lockbox key each day, but I haven't touched the other reward for many moons...and certainly not on each of my 9 characters. Even the possibility of that second reward bag dropping something as useless as a Rank 5 enchant might make the daily VIP rewards more interesting and I might go back to caring what's in that green bag.

    tldr: Maybe change up the rewards that drop from that green bag. No need to drop ID scrolls..they fall from everything these days anyway. Drop rewards similar to invokes..or really anything besides bound ID scrolls. Epic keys are useful..I just might not use them as fast as they drop...as indeed no one can unless they dungeon 24 hours a day.

    I do like the idea of there being consecutively higher ranks of VIP. If we're going to keep paying for it each month anyway..makes sense to throw us an extra bone here and there. :)

    I would really like to also be able to:

    -Summon guild banker
    -Summon mimic
    -Summon seal vendor
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    wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    those id scrolls were intended for junk drops and then feed to mimic. it is a waste of dev time.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited February 2017

    So, in my opinion it would be really great if there would be a few more VIP ranks with interesting features. I've been talking with some guild and alliance members about this and we have come up with a few ideas I'd like to suggest.

    - Introduce a higher rough Astral Diamond limit. Currently it is 36k AD a day, would be nice if it was 46 or 56k at VIP rank 13 for example.
    - Add the [Legendary Dragon Key] to the tradebar store OR add one free [Legendary Dragon Key] every couple of days or every week to a higher VIP rank, much like the lockbox keys.
    - A small discount on the AH tax. Reduce 10% to 5% or something along that line at a higher rank.
    - Higher discounts on the wondrous bazaar at a higher rank, as already currently done so with other ranks.
    - Get x% more guild marks at a higher rank.
    - Summon Seal vendor at will.
    - Summon consumables and kits shop at will.
    - Summon stronghold mimic at will.
    - Increase the Influence cap from 400 to 600, or something along that line.

    Please add your ideas below if you have more :)

    Well in Star Trek Online average players can refine 8000 Dilithium but Lifetime Members or Subscribers receive an extra 1000 Dilithium per day that's about a 12.5% premium. Realize their daily limit's are far lower but monthly subscriptions are actually priced quite a bit higher than what it cost to maintain VIP in Neverwinter. I would caution anyone asking or expecting anything beyond 5% (37800) especially given the refinement AD cap is already very generous and that's per character.

    I'd also caution against many other things being asked for creating too many short cut's for everything, that will disenchant the larger gaming community required for any social MMO to be successful longer term. Now I realize those who are Rank 12 would love FAR more added yet revenue from VIP is short term in growth, it is profit is maintained less from those who consistently renew Max VIP Rank 12 which offer's an awful lot of value for the given cost--to be blunt.

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    elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    wylonus said:

    kits and consumes already included in summonable vendor.

    Is it? I must have missed that cause all I ever seen is the profession vendor.

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    wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    yes, and that "Aurora" artifact too, it summon merchant.
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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,289 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    wylonus said:

    yes, and that "Aurora" artifact too, it summon merchant.

    Yes but most people would not choose that artifact. If they chose it, they wouldn't carry that. If they carry it, they would not summon it and let it stuck there from 1 minutes to 3 minutes cool down.

    VIP does not have that kit/potion merchant vendor.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
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    elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    wylonus said:

    yes, and that "Aurora" artifact too, it summon merchant.

    The artifact is not part of VIP, as stated by @plasmabeat there is not much reason to use it as an artifact for that vendor purpose.
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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,289 Arc User
    edited February 2017

    wylonus said:

    yes, and that "Aurora" artifact too, it summon merchant.

    The artifact is not part of VIP, as stated by @plasmabeat there is not much reason to use it as an artifact for that vendor purpose.
    Wow! Cool name. I am considering using plasmabeat for my next character. :)
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
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    wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    lol, oops, bad spelling.
    yes, i checked, sorry, aurora was optional vendor to have, i disactivated my VIP 2 months ago and took a break.

    due to my PC's vid card died, and using older card to log in, barely playable but not advise to play extended times until i get my new PC built from barebones, my first made PC, i could buy new vid card, but it is still on dying phase. so, it is very new and should be able to play heavy demanding high performance Witchery.

    i just saw updated VIP, i have to wait for my next check to reactivate for new keys. just my opinion, it should have all the sellable items, not sure why devs seem cut corners since it is expensive to up the ranks and to find out that we get short ended and cheated.
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    elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User

    wylonus said:

    yes, and that "Aurora" artifact too, it summon merchant.

    The artifact is not part of VIP, as stated by @plasmabeat there is not much reason to use it as an artifact for that vendor purpose.
    Wow! Cool name. I am considering using plasmabeat for my next character. :)
    Oops! haha :) I linked someone else by accident.
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    thrilla#1991 thrilla Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Like many other outdated features in this game, this probably belongs in the long-list of "never happening" in Cryptic's long list of "how to make more money".

    I should also add that most MMOs of this duration usually has a massive rehaul that reworks all the core systems, upgrades the graphics and functions but obviously that is too much of a fuss for Cryptic's higher management, because who needs a change up when the numbers are all in the green?
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