Here are some videos I just made for eSVA and FBI to help NON-ELITES make it through SKT Content more readily and consistently in spite of lower class type, item level, and gear.
Thanks to the members of the SKT3K custom channel that have helped me through these months and helped in making these videos. Without you guys I would have been miserable and hopeless this mod.
Non-Elite eSVA FBI
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
I hope these videos will continue to help everyone though
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Look.. i made the videos to show you didn't have to be 4k with all r12 bondings and all that HAMSTER that elitists require to even attempt a run. You can take it as an ENCOURAGEMENT and get some HOPE from it.. or you can gripe about omg gurd... we might have to try to get something that takes more than a week to get in order to do content.
I'm really sick of catching flack from both the ELITISTS and the don't care to TRY people too. Why can't you all just let someone try to do something good to help people without being jerks?
BTW... even 3k WITH Fire Archon and R12 Bondings is really far from elite...
OF the hundreds of FBI and eSVA runs I have only checked for Bondings or item level a handful of times and that was only AFTER we had some trouble in the run to give advice how to over come the challenges we were facing. I don't think I ahve EVER kicked someone from a group because of gear OR even avoided including them in runs because of Gear...
The information and strategies provided in the videos above is very important for non-bonded people to know too... if they are included in runs with others. I have run many times with them... so I know from experience.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
"Please help us maintain a High Quality Community. Don't Ask for or Provide Gear info while forming groups. If someone seems to exclude you from their group based on your gear, let @weaver936 know."
That's just one of the messages I've had to repeatedly post from time to time to communicate that certain attitudes and ways of treating people will not be tolerated (by me). Whether or not someone came to me with their negative experience in the channel (instead of waiting until the channel is announced to be closing) to voice their concerns, is a different story.
The kind of thing you mention above is the very thing I fought passionately to avoid. I consider that kind of stuff EXPLOITATION of other people...
Using a channel (that's intended to help everyone IN THE CHANNEL to get runs) for your own cliques' personal benefit is Abusive and Exploitative... but, so is never doing anything else but +ing for a group that someone else spends an hour forming (in SKT this happens a lot). The channel was always meant to help people help other people... not just help themselves.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Please enjoy the vids.. use them to help make SKT runs easier for you and your people.. or not.. it's up to you.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
I have been with adventure with him many times..he is stubborn and will not take/accept others idea,
if he is in the party he always call the shot if you don't like it you are out of party and probably channel, runs will takes up to hours to gather parties and bout 2 hour to complete due to his method and believe to educate and grow the community. (incase you are wandering he has many toons mostly is 3k ish which barely met the requirement) I was once in the STK3K channel,
Let me give you some ideas what its really like....its good/bad at times, i left soon after realizing below matters.
The channel allows dungeon exploit and looking for specific class but not ilvl/item such as bonding..
ie AC DC/CW MOF/OP Tank and etc so i would say its not really a legit channels.
Most of the better players who able to hold own weight elitist or non elitist already left.
Those in the channel are mostly 3k ish toons which has problem finding parties/ those expect to be carried.
1.There is a rule where are not allow to abandon queue even when stuck and wipe multiple times else get kicked from channel.
2.Even there is no asking for ilvl in the channel, but often enough cases where que leaders filter the members by inspecting... i got into que many times before which i MSG later then someone who has lower ilvl.
Cant blame them if they don't do so they will end up with inexperience and barely geared 3k ish which is majority of the members ...also due to Reason 1 the queue leader will have to be more careful bout it.
3.Members not asking ilvl in STK3K channel but asking ilvl in PE/Other channels, Most of time people who ask for 4k+ are those who is 3k ish members.
4.Now the channel is getting less active just left with those who will blindly follows those ideals ,
very few now willing to create party for obvious reason only person who makes party is weaver and few of his friends..probably shutting down due to this reason.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
I have been a member of the channel for a couple months now. Not really been able to do a lot of runs for various reasons, but actively remember some nSVAs a few weeks ago. Was on one of my lesser experienced toons and certainly did a lot of mistakes. Folks however were very encouraging and friendly, which certainly did fit the non-elitist theme.
I think it's fair to point out though that following many discussions in the channel it's clear that SKT3K is not mainly looking for members to run content with but guys that agree to a certain philosophy. You're really more of a follower of how the game should be played and even how the world should be seen than just a player. Based on that I was unsure at times of what was expected out of me as member, which probably contributed to me not participating as much. Also not surprising the channel is shutting down now, it never quite worked out. You could even say SKT3K was more exclusive than the elitists it's trying to fight.
So well, mixed bag for me. I liked the concept, but I also just like playing and not having to align and agree to a certain, very restrictive philosophy that even extends to topics outside the game. This really shouldn't serve as a warning, but more a PSA for all those that think about joining the channel or its follow-up.
The channel was never meant to be another LFG channel and certainly not just for a single mod. It's always been about people.. not pixels. But that means different things to different people. i think it's worked out well for what i intended longer term. about 20% of the people in SKT3K is in the other channel now and the exclusivity is intentional... to make sure the other channel is full of helpful people oriented individuals and not just gear or mod chasers.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Anointed Army
The amount of damage absorbed by each charge of Anointed Army has been capped at 20% of the target’s maximum Hit Points. While the bug for this power was that it was mitigating 100% of incoming damage rather than the original 90%, the power will be left at 100% absorption for damage amounts at 20% of the target’s maximum hit points or below, now that the amount absorbed has been capped.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Now forget about the haters, they gone hate - go get some sleep and rest up for the new release
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
But sadly your ego got to you ... your intention of helping the community has diverted to self ego almighty FOUNDER and OWNER of SKT3K.
Ego is what makes normal player an Elitist not ilvl
@weaver936 : you were mostly running optimized parties for everything and it took forever to make them. One day we met in FBI, I showed you how to make the turtle with no stacks and do it easily with any party (no need for OP+AC/DC+...) and you told me that this way it takes longer. Well it takes five mins more but you save much more in making the party and can go into the dungeon with more varied parties making life easier in building one.
I think you did well for many aspects but could do better by listening more. Anyway, good luck with your new channel!
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Afaik.... every non guild/alliance or non Friend only party takes forever to form, unless you are lucky. This is mainly because of the overall lack of support class toons taht can run the content.. and with SVA you ahvet o factor in whether people have keys or not. The "optimized" party setups was to make sure when we finally got a group.. even having some completely unbonded people in party wouldn't cause a fail for the whole group. Believe me.. i really didn't/don't like having to take an hour to form a group just to have it fail, especially when it's because of people not knowing (or caring) what they are supposed to do... taht's more of a problem in SKT content than item level/gear ever is. Some of these people that call me exclusive or judgemental are exactly those kind of people... those that don't know or care what they are supposed to do... and when I call them on it... they get an attitude and either leave of get channel kicked. SO... *shrugs*.
TY for wishing us good luck with the new (actually not new) channel. We are still doing SKT there and other content too.. but with more cooperative and informed people.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
I see it differently from you. I don't care if our group fails. I'd rather spend time in a dungeon and fail than spending time waiting to get in. Failing helps people in growing, in learning better how to cope with stuff, in finding different ways of doing content in a game. Today I duo'd CN with a friend. We did it with two 2.6k toons, an SW temptation and a CW oppressor. We tried many times before and failed, and finally today we did it. After these attempts I know my SW much better than before. If I had spent the same time running optimized parties through CN I would have probably learned much less.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I think there's a great divide between what people wanted (instant gratification of sorts) and what was/is needed for establishing, maintaining, and growing a trustworthy and loyal long term community. I will NEVER invest as much time and energy as I do into this game and my social environments for something as trivial and meaningless as just getting runs.
So, my "why" is very much different than most that play this game... and that's fine.. you do you.. I'll do me... but that doesn't mean I'm wrong for wanting more from this game than pixels... Nearly a 3rd of those I had in SKT3K transitioned over to my other channel and we are doing AWESOME. I'm very proud of our progress today, especially.
If you pay attention to most of what I've said in SKT3K and in my videos here you really should know that I'm not just doing some superficial stuff here and never was and won't tolerate people trying to exploit my efforts for some quick fix to their LFG/LFM requests.
Maybe most won't appreciate that, but I'm not doing what I'm doing for them.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.