Just noticed that since I was busy with SoMI content. Recently ran 1x ELOL and at the end in both chests there are RANK 5s at the very top option next to the gear (armor, neck, belt etc.) and if you pick any of the enchantment YOU WILL ONLY GET THOSE RANK 5 enchantments, not the gear. Are you freaking kidding me?
Why are those rank 5s are even an option to choose next to the usual blue gear? Shouldn't the rank 5s be under the additional rewards like the refining items?
Seriously that must be a super troll joke!!!
Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne) 3