Flying companions such as the Hawk do not follow the player's character properly when mounted. Instead they stick to the position where the player summend the mount.
- summon companion
- summon mount
- ride for an arbitrary instance
- unmount
The companion is left at the spot, where the player mounted and only now *starts* travelling.
Expected Result:
The companion appears at the spot where the player dismounted, ready to fight.
- Ice Sprite, Flame Sprite, Hawk, Will-O'-Wisp (all tested)
- Hunting Hawk, Owl, Sprite (untested)
- Potentially also affects Angel, Sylph (unknown, untested)
- Does not affect "flying" Archons
It is rendering the named companions useless, as they are not available to fight, and their procced bonuses don't come up (Underdark rings, bonding runestones). Furthermore when finally travelling they might pull enemies the player passed on a less direct way.
Can be recreated anywhere, where mount and companions are available, even in dungeons like Malabog's Castle.
So second thing I tried was to contact support, and after a few mails and screenshot exchange they told me to use the ingame bug report system as it is a game bug and not a support question - so I did post here.
I could copy the same text in the in game bug report again I guess, but I don't see the point if you can't follow your own tickets ...
It gets to be so annoying to have to wait for your companion to arrive from wherever it was roaming about, when it was supposed to appear next to me when I get off my mount.