I want to report that there is some graphic bug with the Manasekker´s relic armor for CW.
This is the boots armor only.
I have made a video about it and posted it on YouTube.
https://youtu.be/53wCuFHeDrwQuestion? Why do I have take of the trousers amor to see my relic boots?
I have color my trousers green, so you can see the difference.
I have also take some screenshots of things.
and I dont know how this adding screenshot with URL things. But I have added the link to the pictures.
- Screenshot of preview of the whole Manasekker´s relic armor for CW.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/148095305@N03/shares/5Mjo32- Screenshot of another cw with Manasekker´s boots.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/148095305@N03/shares/9f121BAs you can see in the screenshot, the boots show only the feet but not the pants.
I hope this is an easy fix, bc its getting to my head not having the right armor on me and nothing mach up.
Im not sure if other have notice this. But I hope they do now and will confirm it.