The key check on a character is performed at the start of a dungeon. This means that if a player purchases Legendary Dragon Keys via the Zen Market then the player is not eligible to open the special chest at the end of a dungeon. The key check should either be performed when the player interacts with the chest to open it.
1) Load any lvl 70 character
2) Ensure character has NO Greater Demonic Keys and NO Legendary Dragon Keys
3) Go to Castle Never
4) Complete the Dungeon and Kill Orcus
5) Interact with the special chest and note that you are unable to open it with an error stating that you have "No Greater Demonic Key"
6) Purchase 5 Legendary Dragon Keys from the Zen Market
7) Note that at this point you have a key that is able to open the special chest
8) Attempt to open the special chest
9) Note that you are still unable to open the special chest despite having the correct type of key to open it.
Expected Result: Upon purchase of the correct key type the player should be able to open the special chest at the end of the dungeon even if the key was purchased whilst in the dungeon
Actual Result: The player was still unable to open the special chest.