I've been seeing a pattern. have you noticed when people call out what they got from the chest and often just from the end of game drop it's all in the same family? like if one gets defense its likely most will get defense or whatever? it's at the point where I'm considering not opening the chest unless people are calling out brutalities or what not. I can't recall a time when someone that calls out omg I got a plus 5 xxxxx type ring.. isn't of the same type I pulled but with mine being the grand plus 1. lol
the keys are so rare for this game mode that it seems like it might be a solid option. Of course if everyone starts doing it no one will be able to call out what they got so the rest can make a decision. LOL.
I can count the numerous times that I've run with Freedom, Sharpwit, Fernuu, or WickedDuck and we got Silver/Bronze on Phase 2... because we kill Goristro too fast.
Remember that Mod8 content wasn't really designed around Bondings as well as the raw weapon damage of Relic weapons...
It seems to be random, no matter what. EDemo or regular, it's a coin toss what you get. I ground out several normal Demo gold runs without seeing more than +1 rings. Then with no real indication of why, a Brutality +5, out of the chest from a silver Demo fight. Then this morning, a Charging Bull +4, and it was another normal silver run. In both those runs, only the Goristro phase was silver.
Is the incidence of the good rings any higher in eDemo? Cause it looks like it isn't, judging by the comments, and that I might as well stick with normal runs to get a second ring to wear. Is getting the books needed for the campaign a factor in which version I should pick?
The loot quality is always random, such as it can be in a computer game. At completion, you get a chance at a random ring with a Silver finish and a guaranteed ring with Gold. The chest will always have a random ring.
Wait... I only get one good one? So.. No chance of the RNG goddess smiling on me for a legendary lockbox mount then?
But still, the chances are not better for a gold vs silver, or epic vs normal?
Regarding the score (gold etc...) that can give rewards without opening the chest. As I said before, a gold result is a guaranteed ring, silver is a chance at a ring, anything else is no reward. Additionally it determines how much Faerzress you get from completion and if you are doing Master, adds Twisted Ichor to the chest. I assume it also controls whether you have a chance at the ultra rare drop of a Twisted mainhand or offhand for your class.
So with a gold result, you get 1 ring and if you use a key, a second ring. A silver result may give you a ring but the chest will always have a ring. Anything else you will only get a ring from the chest. All of these rings are completely random as to the quality. Your team can do terribly in the trial and you can pull a legendary ring from the chest. (had this happen from a PUG Throne skirmish once) Your team can get Gold and you walk out with 2 blue rings.
IMO this was a driving force behind the October Keygate revolt and is still unaddressed by the loot changes last month.
Also, if you need boon books for any campaign, go the Auction House and save yourselve a lot of grief. If at some point in the future you get it as a drop, sell it and recoup your earlier expense.
I got the survivors wraps this morning as well, in gold normal demo. I am debating about those, since I'm giving up 9k health (and bleeding for 25% with every daily) for 2k power.
I did get two of the books at the ah, but balked at the ask for the other. The last one was not there at all, so I figured it was bind on pickup and you have to grind for it.
Tiamat IL is like 1700 btw and generally the raid only needs a handful of higher damage dealers to be a success. It's more about people following instructions.
We have indeed held off on Tiamat because of gear score. Just because you can queue doesn't mean the rest of the party agrees you have met the base requirements for it. Even when most people know the fight. Last night was my groups first mDemo, and while I got epic headgear from the chest, the fight was ugly(bronze). At least one person was just over the recommended 2500. I'm actually happy at normal until we build up more.
But it makes me wonder if the recommended gear score for the queues needs to be reevaluated.
Or perhaps that people use power/item level to counter rushed or careless fighting? Cause if the sign says "you need to be this tall to get on this ride" and you still can get thrown out of the rollercoaster car, the gear score is misleading.
Maybe it's random, but it's curious that I noticed this in CN too...
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
I do find it odd though that whatever I get prior to opening the chest I also get in the chest in Demo, PoM, and Throne. It is basically not cool seeing the same 2 crappy items. Ugh....