Here's my first attempt at a video! It's pretty awful quality, but, since my hard drive is dying, it was about the best I could do. I'm honestly surprised it didn't bluescreen the whole run. Anyway, sorry about the audio. And the picture quality. And, my annoying habit of making the screen bounce. But, it gets the point across!
Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
Btw, you can also swap your powers out by simply right clicking on the skill in the character sheet and then selecting the skill to replace said skill with. I recall Sharp doing this in some of his videos, such as in, say, Tiamat.
For example, you could find Lashing Blade in your powers sheet, right click on it, and choose one of your Encounter slots to swap its place.
Btw, awesome run.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog