I was looking in to builds on test server when I noticed that the Light's Shield feat appears to be not showing on the Damage Resistance stat on the character sheet. I have respecced a couple of times and even went point by point to verify. Checking with a guildie on the Live server it currently shows up when applying points in to this feat.
Not sure if this means the stat is not applying when spending points or if it just not showing on the character screen.
As a simple test remove everything from your character, use test weapon, respec as to give you fresh clean stat board, spend feats into items that dont modify the same thing as light's shield. modify lights shield. look at char screen and see if it changes said stat. (make sure you write numbers down) if no change has happened try the clasic log out and back in and recheck stat. if still the same try adding a single piece of armor that modifies the same stat. then remove said armor and recheck. if there is a bug not showing on char screen one of the following will almost always fix it. if none do then there is a good chance the skill is bugged.