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  • cahbomb#7149 cahbomb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Im guessing they bit off more than they could chew when they moved over to PS4 and maybe they're realizing that now and not all that worried about losing the PS4 player base that they don't have the support for anyways
  • darrenanity#1954 darrenanity Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I bet they are trying extremely hard to resolve this issue and are putting everything they have into it. They are just incompetent and lack any sort of common sense so their best is a tad lack luster.
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    5:49pm EST and still not 1 update as to what the hell is going on.. Jan 2 my neverwinter <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • kooler#1416 kooler Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Well, dev stated earlier that they have tested the algorithm on PS4 already and I have received refunds on my alts with Cyrillic names. So they do have working algorithm. Most likely they won't allow such amount of "Forgehammer of Gond"'s to appear
  • moonlight4201#3058 moonlight4201 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I think we should get extra stuff for waiting so long ,we missed double enchantments
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    From the way things are going I doubt ps4 will see anything today.. Hey mod who said after 4 to 5 hours they will "poke"... Well start poking the whole ps4 community needs answers since a good portion of players have spent REAL MONEY on zen for broken parcels.. If you buy something you get what you pay for not pay and wait 2 weeks for it to work and if it does you get a return on items or a refund on money
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Ment to say if it doesn't work you get a return on items or refunded money
  • cahbomb#7149 cahbomb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    I don't care about extra stuff for waiting I care about receiving the same service and commitment Xbox and PC received and getting the Parcels back I bought...that would suffice and make me completely happy at this point
  • zeroninefour#1160 zeroninefour Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    At this point, I'd like a refund of my zen. Ps4 players were told we'd get fixed the 2nd, half the day is gone and we've got zero information on the process. You buy a faulty product you're entitled to a refund and not asked to wait for days, or even hours.
  • dpowl#2513 dpowl Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    So, the 'update' - if you want to call it that - was:

    "PS4 players: No update at this time other than we're all back in the office and I'll touch base with miasmat on next steps. As soon as I know something, you'll know something."

    I'm a very patient person, but originally it was stated on the 21st there was an issue and that within 48 hours it would be corrected.

    Fine, I have no issue with that.

    12/24 - "Due to the volume we are holding off on PS4 until we are back from the Holiday break."

    A day late, but I'm still fine with that. Family and stuff over the Holidays and all I can understand.

    There was a post in the forum thread that said they were waiting until Jan. 2nd to correct PS4 and that someone on PC opened some crazy amount of parcels around 1,800 or so.

    I can't seem to find it in this thread now, but it appears that the thread post was deleted / edited to say it was merged with a different thread about the office being closed. Which magically happens to exclude mention of the correction happening Jan. 2nd.

    This is where I start getting a little upset / frustrated. I am fine with it taking a bit with the holidays, but this feels like PS4 is getting shafted hard. They should have waited to correct all platforms at the same time or at least been ready to do PS4 on the 2nd as stated since it would already be 11 days after PC and Xbox got their fix and the event now ends in just a few days with some maintenance time in there as well.

    I work as a programmer / developer for web and mobile applications from home. If I were to tell a client there was a problem and I'd fix it within 48 hours, then said "It's the holidays and the fix is going to take a bit longer than expected, so I'll fix it on Jan. 2nd." as long as it wasn't a major issue they'd likely be fine with that. But when Jan. 2nd came around I'd be in contact with them first thing in the morning just to let them know I'm working on their issue. If I didn't I'd probably be out a paying client.

    I still have faith that they will correct the issue soon and hope that they would at least give a solid update very soon yet today. At this point they are just hurting their own wallets by completely ignoring an entire platform of customers.
  • kooler#1416 kooler Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    It is a little worrying actually, and seems they are doing it on purpose, delaying the delivery.
  • cahbomb#7149 cahbomb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    They returned parcels to xbox in the amount of time they've ignored these posts for today
  • Just wanted to tell the devs, mods and reps to hang in there, we appreciate the fix and not everyone has zero patience.
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Zero patience lmao you must be joking or you didn't spend real money on zen for the event like those off us who have that have zero patience for being blatenly lied to for over a week.
  • bnlphan#7644 bnlphan Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    We have waited for over a week. We was told the 2nd well the 2nd is here but where is the update?
  • darkheart#6758 darkheart Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    So it is about 4 pm pacific time, almost tthe full work day, and zero parcels returned and 1 very cheesy response of we will let you know later about fixing this issue.

    Ps4 players were told this would be fixed on the 2nd. I don't see it happening today. Nice big middle finger and the shaft to 1 whole platform. Good way to lose any goodwill you had by promising a fix on a certain day, than not delivering on that promise.
  • zeroninefour#1160 zeroninefour Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    So I thought I'd enter their live chat support to ask for a refund, but all in game issues cannot be adressed atm. Convenient Perfect World.
  • miasmatmiasmat Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 318 Cryptic Developer
    We're working on getting Russia and PS4 players the replacements for the initial run of parcels that were missing the unidentified blue items. I spent the morning (starting when I got into the office around 10 am California time) figuring out why the automated solution didn't work on 12/23. Now that we have that explained, we're working on a fixed automated solution to start running tonight, in the next maybe 6 hours. It'll still take a number of hours to process through all the characters and we'll be messing with the speed to figure out how fast we can run it without missing anyone.
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Finally something everyone from arc needs to take a lesson and learn from miasmat. Ty finally something atleast
  • cahbomb#7149 cahbomb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    so the returns have started and will take 6 hours or they will start being processed in 6 hours and take hours to complete after that?
  • i3yrni3yrn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Well at 6 hours from now its the 3rd only 2 days left for the event assuming its all said and done tomorrow
  • cahbomb#7149 cahbomb Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    At this point I'd be happy to get them in 6 hours...I just want to be done with this event at this point
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Hey PS4 players: I get the need to have the starlight parcels credited like PC and Xbox did but we just got in the office today, have been looking at ways to automate the feature, have to makes sure it actually works properly, and then we have to execute on it. That takes more than just a couple hours so continuous updates on "we're working on it" would not yield any new information until we are actually at the next step. Miasmat has been working tirelessly to make sure everything runs smoothly and gets done so just hang tight. We got you guys.
  • kingklep#6282 kingklep Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Xbox and PC gets it done manually and 11 days later we STILL need to wait for an automated system? You did Xbox and pc manually not and full staff, but yet ps4 gets the shaft? Also if you guys were working on an automated fix why not do it manually in the meantime? Do you really not give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about ps4 and its users? Makes me upset I've wasted hundreds on this game, I love the game just clearly picked the wrong system to play on,
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    ... from what I have experienced, PS4 is not a priority to Arc Games.

    And you know what? This is what EVERYBODY says when something doesn't go smoothly for their particular platform. So, you know, sorry it particularly sucked to be on PS4 for this particular incident, but if you actually pay attention to stuff outside your microcosm, you'll see that all platforms have had cause for grievances at one time or another.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • imsoscarybro#5151 imsoscarybro Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    the fact you people are complaining about waiting for free items is digusting. the missing item was literally blue gear you would have discarded or sold for 34 silver each. stop complaining and grow up. learn to say thank you for the free stuff you'll be getting.
    Look Good Play Good
    Scarry | Scourge Warlock | 2.8k
  • kingklep#6282 kingklep Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Regardless of the bug they were still bugged, the item was faulty plain and simple regardless of it being blue, green, purple, white, legendary, it doesn't matter. Is it really all that outlandish that people are mad that they still have to wait ON TOP of the 11 days we already waited?
  • kooler#1416 kooler Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    The complain is not about getting free things, but about the way the PS4 users are treated on the same issue on all platforms. We've missed double enchantments, while other platforms got it. This is the question.

    I do understand that PS4 is a new platform and delivers the most profit, thus it is better if we spend more, rather then get. Thus I can see why this issue takes that much time to be resolved.
  • jererb#0903 jererb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So the reason for the delay now is due to extra time being taken to develop an automated system to correct the issue on PS4 the next time this happens.


    I'm not in a hurry. Take time to fix it right and make it stay fixed. Fine by me.
  • bondar9000#5075 bondar9000 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Thank you arc games for this event. Myself and my family would like to tell you how much fun we have had playing the event. We are a 3 ps4 household, and are enjoying giving gifts back and forth. We all have gotten alot of cool stuff. I play everyday since the ps4 got this game. I love this game and the books its based off of. Thank you so much for giving us this game and all the hard work you devs do for us. We are looking forward to all the new experiences this new year has instore for us. Thank You Arc Games!
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