Sources: can classify each mob into a difficulty category and a role category. The first one depends on the number of health bars:
Minion: 3
Standard: 5
Elite: 9
Solo: 13
Boss: 17 (but you usually see them with 20)
In open world they have less bars. For example minions have 1, standards 3 etc. Some summoned mobs also have less health bars.
The role category divides mobs into:
For each level, mobs have a base Damage Resistance, which is then modified according to their difficulty and role categories. This was explained by
@two30 (big thanks to him!) in this comment, which provided the groundwork for my classification:
From my (very old) testing:
Minion brutes set the standard.
Skirmishers have 90% of Brutes' DR.
Artillery have 80% of Brutes' DR.
Controllers have 70% of Brutes' DR.
"Standards" have 9/8 of Minions' DR.
Elites have 10/8 of Minion's DR.
Solos have 11/8 of Minion's DR.In other words, these are all the DR modifiers:
This the base DR for each level. I could easily derive it thanks to a table published by a player (I can’t link the original source). It’s interesting to note that the theoretical DR cap would be 72% for level 74 monsters and 84% for level 75.
Putting all together, this is how you calculate the DR of an enemy:
(base DR) * (difficulty modifier) * (role modifier)
For example, let’s take a level 70 standard skirmisher. His Damage Resistance will be:
24 * 9/8 * 0,9 = 24,3%
These are the DR combinations for level 70/71 mobs:
And for level 73 mobs:
These numbers were taken manually during solo runs.
@thefabricant helped me testing FBI.
Bear Rider in Kessell’s Retreat has a permanent buff that likely increases his DR and can be penetrated.
Moderator fixed image links.
(one more thing to add to the "stuff that Michela did that I have to keep mentioning for accurate information").
Someone knows the maximum value of ArP mobs/bosses?
Also does anyone know the DR values for Tiamat, epic Demo and epic Storvald?
But the term "DR debuff" does NOT mean the same as "reducing the Resistance Ignored value needed to do full damage".
the only debuffs in the game which do that are Bear your Sins and Vanguard's Banner.
pfeh... @michela123, I can't be bothered to explain the debuff formula as well as you can... (perhaps create a guide for it?)
Formula of DR debuffs:
ResultDR = StartDR - ArP - SummDRdebuffs .
ResultDR >= -100% .
Formula "Incoming damage":
IncomingDamage = (1 - ResultDR)*OutgoingDamage.
Mob have 60% DR. Player have 30% ArP. And some debuff1=10%, debuff2=30%.
ResultDR = 60% - 30% - (10%+30%) = -10%. (is -0.10)
Player Outgoing damage is 3000, then
IncomingDamage = (1 - (-0.1))*3000 = 3300.
The log will 3300(3000).
Mob have 60% DR. Player have 50% ArP. And some debuff1=30%, debuff2=40%, debuff3=50%, debuff4=35%.
ResultDR = 60% - 50% - (30%+40%+50%+35%) = |cap is -100%| = -100%. (is -1.00)
Player Outgoing damage is 3000, then
IncomingDamage = (1 - (-1))*3000 = 6000.
The log will 6000(3000).
There is another type debuffs. Don't know how it's called in English. Let it be IncomingDamageDebuff (IDD).
IncomingDamage = (1 - ResultDR)*(1+IDD)*OutgoingDamage.
@kangkeok Bronzewood is capped.