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Vow Of Enmity: Wheres the Fix?

thornstrombthornstromb Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited November 2016 in Bug Reports (PC)
The patch notes for SOMI gave all of us OPs who used Vow of Enmity major hype, promising a real fix for the long-standing bug in the rank damage upgrade, and a mechanic change that honestly made sense for those of us who liked it.

this mechanic change would change Vow from acting as a targeted debuff that could only exist on one target and had a VERY long cooldown, to a "psuedo-toggle", lighting up when it was active on a target and able to be canceled and re-activated on a new target MUCH faster than before. the balancing cost was that it would ALWAYS go on cooldown when removed, whether manually or because the original target died, leading to a lower uptime, but easier use, especially with the targeting systems tendency to place it on the wrong target. As an aside, as Vow was an applied debuff, it was unaffected by your personal state, aside from death.

What we got was a cluster-bleep. The new version has a tendency to fail to apply AT ALL, but still acts as if its on, forcing a cooldown when you try to reapply. this is bad enough, but instead of acting as a psuedo toggle, it acts as an ACTUAL toggle.... and immediately breaks if you so much as take an interrupt hit, let alone a minor knockback or full-on stun. on a tank? as an ability designed expressly for boss fights, ALL of which have prodigious CC effects? between the two bugs its possible to have a boss fight with a vow uptime of less than 1%, in spite of attempting to re-apply at every opportunity.

I have been waiting for... well... ANYTHING to be so much as mentioned about this. anywhere. since SOMI release. Nothing. This says gravely bad things if a power can be BUFFED, broken by that buff, and the error is completely ignored. If any dev anywhere had even acknowledged there was a problem, and that its on the list to be fixed, I would not be making this topic.

SO: in light of the horror that is the lack of communication so far, i just want an acknowledgement. that yes, the devs know that SOMETHING is wrong here, and that it will eventually be fixed. I understand there are a lot of other errors and problems that may take priority. i just need to know that this is not being ignored, because that says terrible, terrible things about this awesome games future.

Ill give it a month from now. if nothing happens? if absolutely NOTHING is said or mentioned? If the dev team somehow cannot respond, when I see dev responses on so many other bug reports about things far less game-breaking? Then in light of all the other terrible horror stories I've found in the SOMI bug reports thread, You can consider me no longer a customer. I'll be sad too, I still have 2 months of VIP left.
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