Hello everyone,
This is Derpatastic Potato@Krackcode and I'd like to invite you to come join our guild. We aren't huge yet, but we're about to build MP and ascend to GH rank 3.
I'm probably the most active player in my guild and I'm on just about every day. If you're looking for a guild to help contribute too, we are good people! A lot of of the other play fps games as well so they aren't on as much as myself.
We'd really like to invite you to come check us out and join us. We don't have boons yet, but we are working super hard to get them!
Once we do, I plan on concentrating helping new players/rerolls level up...and help them get acclimated to new classes/builds.
I have 8 level 70's, one in each class... and I plan on rolling two more for PvP. (Hopefully this Thursday dbl everything!)
Please feel free to look us up. Dragons of Winter Night. You know you want to! Especially if you are a Dragonlance fan!
We're fit for all ages, but some of us can get a bit rowdy. Most players are USA time zones, but everyone is welcome.
All we ask is that you contribute to the coffer and get the guild marks so you can spend on our marketplace very soon!
Please feel free to msg me on Xbox One GT: Krackcokde
Or send me a message by looking up our clan in the game
Should hit MP threshold tomorrow sometime. Then GH3. JOIN US!!!