We are looking to fill the 19 remaining spots in our ranks. Guild hall 5, 60k influence from Gh 6. Run dragons often Part of the best alliance on ps4(3k members) We are very active through all time zones, 30 to 40 members online at most times. We have access to df gear through a few of our alliance guilds. Edemo gold runs Castle never farms, and very soon fang breaker island. We are not elitist at all, we have a broad range of players in developing stages. Getting help on dailies, or dungeons is rather easy in guild chat. A lot of us are on psn chat, with many guildies hosting channels. We are looking for adults that are fun to play with, we host donation contests with every new upgrade We are mainly looking for support classes, but will also take dps. Our requirements are as follows: must be active(we purge our roster every month. Must do daily influence runs( if your not online, no worries.but we are looking for very active members. Support class il is 2500 Dps is 3000 There are exceptions to that rule based on case by case. If your interested send a psn message to Keharris51 Symbotics Hades451 DrakeIVG jordanBradford_ Cold_Shadow
What are the chances I could be doing MDemo runs if I joined? Current guild is at GH 6 but not a lot of MDemo, although we do dragons a fair bit. I'm 2570 SW soon to be 2600.
Our requirements are 2500 for dps, which you meet. that said, we never deny anyone a spot in anything because of il(that I have seen), my main is a gf so when I build groups I start with a healer and dps is first come first serve. except for some alts all of us are over 2500. alliance groups are different, some ask for over 3k, and some are now asking for r12 bindings.haha. I have heard no complaints of ppl not getting groups, we have a decent amount of support classes, so...
Ok, well I'm over 2600 now after using action bonus gem. Do you have access to main dragonflight gear? I don't need accessories as my rings are better, +4 ring, +5 ring of brutality.
Update: we are now Gh 6, with def, and arp boon. It's looking like Wednesday we will start our upgrade for gh7. Our requirements have changed. All dps except gwf are still 2.5k for gwf it is 3k, and support it 2k. Besides that all we require is influence runs on the days you play. Send a psn for invite.
update: we have 3 spots available. that means 147 active members. We are only looking to fill those 3 spots with support classes. If youre a support class and looking for a good home, check us out. we have scheduled df farms, and Tiamant runs when at 100%, and edemo, as well as random runs that pop up.
GAme name is Trivial's rage@keharris51
It's looking like Wednesday we will start our upgrade for gh7.
Our requirements have changed. All dps except gwf are still 2.5k for gwf it is 3k, and support it 2k. Besides that all we require is influence runs on the days you play.
Send a psn for invite.
If youre a support class and looking for a good home, check us out. we have scheduled df farms, and Tiamant runs when at 100%, and edemo, as well as random runs that pop up.