Took a while to finally post one of these, but here goes. I'm going to copy and paste most of the info from our Reddit guild recruitment thread to save some time.
Squirtle Squad is recruiting! We are a mostly casual guild although our core members are more than willing to run dungeons or lend a helping hand. We run stronghold heroics, epic dungeons and master Demo regularly to gear ourselves up and upgrade the guild hall. As a guild, we started out kind of slowly, but have ramped up considerably over the past few weeks and our guild progress reflects that. We unlocked Guild Hall Rank 2 three weeks ago and we have just unlocked the Marketplace. Currently working on the Guild Hall Rank 3 upgrade, which I estimate will be ready in 2-3 weeks, and will start on the Quarry once the Guild Hall upgrade is done.
We're really looking for active players who can help contribute to our continuing growth. All players aged 18+ are welcome. No level requirements (level 70s preferred, but again not required). Must be accepting of strong language in mic chat and guild chat, and must be willing to help grow the guild, whether it be through donations or assisting other guild members. We also require a willingness to join in PSN mic chats if running end game content with other guild members. An actual mic is not required, as long as you're okay to join the mic chat so that we can relay communication effectively.
Donations not necessarily required, but they would certainly would not be refused. The more resources we have to upgrade our guild hall, the better.
We run epic dungeons nightly along with dailies in Sharandar, Dread Ring, Well of Dragons and Ice Wind Dale. Demogorgon runs are a regular affair as well.
We're a laid back group that is just looking to have fun grinding and building up our guild hall to provide the benefits it offers to all members. If you're of a similar mentality, we would love to have you, whether you're a new player or an experienced veteran.
Play time varies for everyone, but most of us are online in the evening, west coast time, for a few hours every night.
Let me know here or on PSN if you're interested in joining.
I'm also happy to announce we have a Guild Alliance with some very like-minded guilds who want to accomplish the same things that we are and are in similar positions in terms of Guild upgrades.
Squirtle Squad is now a Sword Guild of Drow Lives Matter. As such, we are also on the lookout for more guilds who are interested in joining our new alliance as Gauntlet Guilds (we're full up on Sword Guilds). If you're interested, drop me a line on PSN and we can get a party chat going to see if an alliance between our guilds would be beneficial for all of us.
With an alliance, we can finally start gathering enough people to run Dragonflight, Master Demo with full Alliance members, and maybe even get in full 25-man alliance Tiamat runs.
PSN: R_Duckie619
You can also find us using the guild search function in game.