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SANCTUM is expanding recruitment!

I'll try to keep this brief:
  • After wondering why the hell we had reached our member cap so quickly, we realized it's because we had a lot of inactive accounts from the early days of the guild. We've cleaned most of them out now.
  • We were previously only looking for Tanks and Healers, but now will welcome any 2.2k+ DPS and any 2k+ Tank or Healer!
Pros of joining Sanctum?
  • Active and friendly members
  • Quickly advancing Stronghold - Currently GH R4, Market R2, and upgrading plots.
  • Dragonflight Nights at least twice a week. We just recently crushed 2 dragons at once, and having more players on means we'll be able to do that more consistently and easily.
  • Group dungeon runs throughout the day.
  • Simple entry requirement of 800k AD and your first born child No entry requirements.
  • Our Guild name isn't stupid or pretentious.
Cons of joining Sanctum:
  • Occasionally stupid inside jokes
  • No health insurance or dental
  • I write annoying all caps messages on guild chat when I'm calling people down for Dragonflight or Demo
1. This is amazing! How do I join?
Look up "Sanctum" in the Find a Guild menu in game, OR send TerminalOptimist a PSN message requesting to join. If that fails, message me on Reddit through HERE.

2. This looks ok I guess. How do I join?
Be more enthusiastic, then see question 1

3. I meet the iL requirements, my other characters don't, can they join?
Sure! The character limit for Guilds is a lot more lenient than its member limit.

4. Do you guys have a website or anything?
At the moment, we have a PSN community: SANCTUM (Neverwinter Guild) that you can check out. We'll be working on getting a site or subreddit and/or discord soon.
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