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Black Friday this year? Better not!



  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    dionchi said:

    chidion said:

    This seems to be a one step forward and two steps back scenario to me, I do hope it works for them though because if the sales turn out to be mostly lackluster trying to get more people to spend money by extending the sale to 4 days instead of just one, they might just decide to do away with it altogether because of "lack of interest".

    Given the amount of constant lockbox award spam I don't believe there is a "lack of interest" going on.

    I bought 6 more months of VIP and some shared bank space, not as many spaces as I wanted due to the sale being 40% instead of 50%, but still, pretty nice sale even if it is 10% more than expected.
    Seems to me the sale of keys will continue to do well unless people keep opening lockboxes as long at there are new players with money and/or those that purchase keys actually find something in those lock boxes they want, but that's probably a discussion for a different thread.

    I've been playing for years and even though I've spent several hundred dollars over the years, I haven't bought a single key, but I was planning on buying keys this year, but that's when I thought the discount would be 50% off like it was in previous years.

    Since it's only 40% off now and occasionally there is an invocation coupon for 40% off lockbox keys, I just don't see the incentive to buy now instead of waiting till there is a sale on Zen like there is for xbox (23000 zen, that's more than a 10% bonus of zen, with a 25% discount in cost... $149.99 instead of $200).

    It just makes sense to me to buy the Zen when there is a discount so I get more for my money, then just keep invoking until one of those 40% discount coupons drop from the invocation blessing instead of impulse buying since there is a "sale".

    Now I've also considered purchasing VIP since I've never done that either, but I was hoping for the 50% discount as in previous years instead of 40% but I'm still considering it - chances are I won't be renewing without the 40%+ discount though and even then my renewing when there is another discount, is entirely dependent on what actual benefit I think I received for my purchase.

    When and if I make my purchase I will do so on a single day so the additional 3 days for the sale actually means nothing to me - except for it being an excuse for Neverwinter to do away with the previous 50% discount on purchased items to 40%. I guess they figure more people will be spending money so they aren't concerned with people spending more money... I hope that works out for them.
    VIP is worth it, even at 40% off. imo
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    dionchi said:

    Seems to me the sale of keys will continue to do well unless people keep opening lockboxes as long at there are new players with money and/or those that purchase keys actually find something in those lock boxes they want, but that's probably a discussion for a different thread.

    I've been playing for years and even though I've spent several hundred dollars over the years, I haven't bought a single key, but I was planning on buying keys this year, but that's when I thought the discount would be 50% off like it was in previous years.

    Since it's only 40% off now and occasionally there is an invocation coupon for 40% off lockbox keys, I just don't see the incentive to buy now instead of waiting till there is a sale on Zen like there is for xbox (23000 zen, that's more than a 10% bonus of zen, with a 25% discount in cost... $149.99 instead of $200).

    It just makes sense to me to buy the Zen when there is a discount so I get more for my money, then just keep invoking until one of those 40% discount coupons drop from the invocation blessing instead of impulse buying since there is a "sale".

    Now I've also considered purchasing VIP since I've never done that either, but I was hoping for the 50% discount as in previous years instead of 40% but I'm still considering it - chances are I won't be renewing without the 40%+ discount though and even then my renewing when there is another discount, is entirely dependent on what actual benefit I think I received for my purchase.

    When and if I make my purchase I will do so on a single day so the additional 3 days for the sale actually means nothing to me - except for it being an excuse for Neverwinter to do away with the previous 50% discount on purchased items to 40%. I guess they figure more people will be spending money so they aren't concerned with people spending more money... I hope that works out for them.

    Well, this lockbox award spam might also come from players, that have horded those daily ViP lockbox keys, and are now opening lockboxes in a row with them.
    I collect my daily lockbox keys through the month too, and use them all when i have at least 20+ stacked.

    About that 40% discount coupon from invoking bags on a single lockbox key, that was a good deal, when there was no ViP around, but now... ViP is way better.
    A key is 75 ZEN at a 40% discount, 30x75=2250, which equals 3 months ViP with 90 daily keys and the ViP benefits, plus something extra on top, within the current 40% on everything sale going on.

    Anyway, i bought a few items (Hero of the North, shared bank slots, Cleric DLC pack) with the ZEN i got through the ZAX in time, but i also bought a few DLCs in other games, since they were offering a "full" 50% discount.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    Well, this lockbox award spam might also come from players, that have horded those daily ViP lockbox keys, and are now opening lockboxes in a row with them.
    I collect my daily lockbox keys through the month too, and use them all when i have at least 20+ stacked.

    About that 40% discount coupon from invoking bags on a single lockbox key, that was a good deal, when there was no ViP around, but now... ViP is way better.
    A key is 75 ZEN at a 40% discount, 30x75=2250, which equals 3 months ViP with 90 daily keys and the ViP benefits, plus something extra on top, within the current 40% on everything sale going on.

    Anyway, i bought a few items (Hero of the North, shared bank slots, Cleric DLC pack) with the ZEN i got through the ZAX in time, but i also bought a few DLCs in other games, since they were offering a "full" 50% discount.

    Thanks for sharing the breakdown on the cost of keys VIP -vs- that 40% coupon that helps me better justify my purchase this year during the Black Friday event and the suggestion to open multiple lockboxes instead of just one at a time.
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    This is very true..

    Its much like the GM CEO the year before Tesla came out saying that they didn't make an electric car because there was no demand for it. Of course there is no demand for a product that doesn't exist. That is a foregone conclusion, and just makes it sound like your being all nerd economist to those who don't think about it.

    Its much the same with fashion in this game. I have players in my guild right now that spent 50-100 a month on a game they had before this came out. ('city of heros' I think it was) Why did they do this? Mainly for fashion.. in that game it was possible to change the colors of your auras, the look of your spells etc. (so they tell me, I never played.) ..and this is all on a Cryptic game.. so they have the technology.

    Here in this game there are only a few pieces of worthwhile style. Those that do exist are wildly expensive. Look at the 'south seas' garments. Super popular, demand for that practically ran the demand for that even all by itself. There were people in my alliance that were on 16 hours a day to get multiple sets of that. ..all because its one of the few decent looking skirts in the game.

    Look at tattoos.. super popular. They have the template for it in game. All they would have to do is remodel some textures to come out with near infinite variations. Nope, were stuck with 2 (or three don't remember specifically).

    Certainly they cannot support the game on fashion as it stands now. If they built up the variations however there are a legion of people that would spend themselves into the ground to look different, meaner, more sparkly, etc. ..and all without any danger of power creep that they've had to spend nearly all the dev time for 2 years tweaking, nerfing, adjusting, and battling with players on.


    I know they say it's complicated to change but it seriously needs to be changed. However, that goes back to my point of them not prioritizing a lot of valid market options. As Kvet touched upon they see data which directs them in a certain course but I have to question how much they ask themselves "why" they get that data.

    Sadly I think they look at the data for cosmetics and UGC and discredit alloting resources in certain directions instead of considering WHY the data suggests players are not interested. UGC has kept old games alive for decades. Certain games make billions of dollars in cosmetic sales.
    If people are not playing UGC it's likely because of a reason other than the lack of interest...and at this point I can show a thousand threads which support that claim.
    If people aren't buying cosmetics it might just be because the number one most requested change of the last two years by the widest range of player types is removing the cosmetic killing armor and weapon enchantment animations. -.-

    Also, just as an FYI since this is somewhat going off topic, I view topics such as this under a large umbrella of what effects the market prices. Afterall the only reason the black friday sale could be a concern is because the game already has a large backlog. If you feel like this is headed too far off your initial reason for posting this thread zurimor please let us know and we will direct it back to the Black Friday sale.

  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    Much like water and electricity, the devs have chosen to take the path of least resistance. Resistance, in this case, is Cryptic's management team. I feel empathy for the devs most of the time because I'm sure they are stuck doing what they're told. Having said that, I must also point out that, while we know the devs read the forums, we have no idea if mid to upper management even know this place exists much less care to read it.

    Customers haven't been "right" in this world for a very long time so the old saying "The customer is always right" no longer applies. We either spend money in this game, scale back our spending, or spend nothing.

    Black Friday sales was a good thing for those that participated. I spent no money as I'm not sure the game is even worth spenind money on any longer.
    I aim to misbehave
  • imperiousshiniimperiousshini Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    glad it happened
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I'd be interested to learn if the game generated more money even after reducing the discount from 50% to 40% by having the event for a couple of extra days this year...

    I'm glad it happened also, but admittedly not as glad as I was last year when Black Friday discounts were 50% off and some Cyber Monday deals seemed to be even better.

    I know I personally spent less than a third of what I did last year even though I have 40 more characters than I had last year, compliments of the previous Black Friday event and most of them could have used some of the things like personal bank slots, bags, companions and other items that were available... 40% just didn't seem as rewarding for all the time and expense IMO and I'm still not happy with having to grind for stuff instead of being able to actually play (yes I make a distinction between "grinding" in the game and "playing", not at all the same thing IMO).
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    I can't understand why someone should either break with the game and stop spending a penny or take part in the sale for 4days due to 10%.

    It's more a general decision yes or no.

    10% is not the argument in my case to get a nervous breakdown or quitt.

    Even having a 50% sale I would ask myself if it's worth going on.

    Getting more time to decide to buy or not , or rage about 40%, is a good decision, since lot's oft player missed those sales last year, esp. more casual player

    For the new players that weren't here last year when the Black Friday discounts were 50% the 40% this year probably wasn't that much of a loss and probably the best deal they've had all year... But for the people who were here previous years, they've had 10% taken from them for their time and loyalty to the game and if things go as they have been going the new players next year will probably be pleased with their 30% discount for Black Friday while the people who previously received a 40% discount this year will feel like they're being ripped off... It'll be interesting to see if that's the way it plays out next year...

    If I'm still around then.

  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    Your not accounting for the fact that the sales lasted the full weekend.

    All previous years the Black Friday Sale only lasted one day. They reduced the sale magnitude to extend the duration.

    Unless they decide to make it Black Friday Week like some other mainly non-MMO companies seem wont to do (I am well aware some companies do months too) I don't think it is likely they'll change from 40%. Possible but unlikely. They didn't reduce the sale rate just to reduce the sale rate.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    No one had "10%" taken from them. Last year's sale doesn't create an obligation to replicate it and those that fail to see that are creating their own disappointment with false expectations. The 40% plus charge bonus Zen was far more useful to the game as it increased supply along with demand and reined in the ZAX.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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