In just one sentence, please don't make everfrost a requirement for the new trial...
It's hard enough to get the ridiculous requirements for FBI ( for bad to average rewards on top of that...), don't make it even more restricted to get the new artifact weapons...
I am glad that there is finally one dungeon in the game that is hard and not doable by the most casual players. I also hope that FBI becomes accessible to casuals through the natural power escalation in the game (and that there is one new top dungeon that is geared toward the top toons).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Murphster - SS CW | Jennsen Rahl - MoF CW
Taarna - GWF
Eowyn - Protector OP | Leela - Devoted OP
Mara Jade - TR
Leeloo - Tempt SW | Kahlan Amnell - Fury SW | Galadriel - Damnation SW
Sturm Nightblade - GF
'You won't need to complete Fangbreaker Island or obtain any relic armor from therein to challenge Assault on Svardborg's normal difficulty. In order to challenge Assault on Svardborg (Master) you'll need to have completed Fangbreaker Island, and having a few relic pieces will be a significant boon.'
In looking up the exact wording/source, it appears @sockmunkey was correct about the basic version of the new trial not requiring completion of FBI.