Wine isn't a supported platform, but I know that some players do run Neverwinter on Wine. While the live build runs fine in a clean 32bit wineprefix, the Sea of Moving Ice preview build crashes on start. I've finally found a solution:
disable d3dcompiler_47 in your winecfg. I've tested this on both Wine 1.9.6 and 1.9.19, although only as far as standing at a mailbox and perusing the collections and campaign UI.
Murphster - SS CW | Jennsen Rahl - MoF CW
Taarna - GWF
Eowyn - Protector OP | Leela - Devoted OP
Mara Jade - TR
Leeloo - Tempt SW | Kahlan Amnell - Fury SW | Galadriel - Damnation SW
Sturm Nightblade - GF