SE oneshot build--->GWFs can't dodge. Only option is to build massive amounts of HP, which means you need a maxed SH HP boon which is out of reach for most players.
HR piercing damage--->pretty much the same as SE, it just isn't a oneshot. You die in seconds. Cannot dodge.
So, how is a GWF supposed to face these builds, in a way that is affordable by all the players?
High enough HPs can be achieved only through SH boon, which is something not all players have.
Did you ever play a GWF in lvl 70 PvP? You should try. It goes from very tanky (at high iLvLs) when facing other classes, to thin paper when facing HRs or TRs.
May be its time for them to add piercing damge resistance, lol
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)