Hi I am Hellz the guild leader of Feudal.
I am currently looking for UK/EU Officers and Guild Members interested in joining a social and mature guild. I have played many MMO's over the years starting with Lineage 1 back in the 90's including WoW, DCUO, FFXIV to name a few.
Neverwinter has become my game of choice and I am looking to recruit a guild of
Active players who play regularly and want to work together towards achieving endgame encounters. PVE and PVP welcome I tend to play PVE more than PVP at the moment.
We have started to upgrade the stronghold and the more active members we gain, the quicker we can achieve it and benefit form the bonuses it offers.
I find using a Mic helps a lot when running instances so if you have one that would be great!
My main timezone is GMT+0 (Currently BST) but we also have a number of US players in the guild which is great as it means that they are helping the guild when UK/EU are offline. I play till early mornings sometimes too
If you are like minded and interested in joining us, we would love to have you and are currently looking for all roles.
Please contact Hellz in game or one of the online officers to join.
I look forward to seeing you!
Thanks and take care.
@HellzFedualGuild Site (Just started):