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Archer Build--Armor Class vs. Action Pt. Gain?

aslan3775aslan3775 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 295 Arc User
There are a few cloaks that seem to have decent stats for an Archer--Seldarine bumps my AC by 8 'points' and provides the power, deflect and lifesteal bonuses. Lostmauth increases my action points and provides power, crit, and armor penetration while Baphomet's also does action points with power, crit and deflection.

So the question is: since as an archer our dailies are not really big hitters, and action point gain doesn't really seem to be an issue anyway, it seems like the AC gain would be better. But are we really getting any benefit from the 8 'points' in AC? Does it make us any less squishy?

Best Answer

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Originally I went for the Lathander cloak but when Mod 6 rolled in and made Defense crumby unless you're a GF, I switched up my neck, belt and artifact. My guild decided to vote for the Defense boon first up so I am using that one. My Defense is around 8k and I feel that is enough with roughly 20% Lifesteal.

    I always wanted to stack Deflect on an Archer to see how it compared to Defense, but Sharpedge insists Deflect is the worst defensive stat to stack and backed it up with graphs and shit. Still I think there are better options than Seldarine and Baphomet cloaks for Archers. I'd rather go for Power/Crit/ArP or Power/Crit/Recovery cloaks. As for APG v AC, even if our dailies suck in comparison to other classes, faster APG still means more damage more often from our dailies.
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  • sonofrobsonofrob Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    lirithiel said:

    even if our dailies suck in comparison to other classes, faster APG still means more damage more often from our dailies.

    Also we have disruptive shot, a daily that only uses 25% of AP. It has a relatively short cooldown and with enough AP gain can be used as another encounter.

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    sonofrob said:

    lirithiel said:

    even if our dailies suck in comparison to other classes, faster APG still means more damage more often from our dailies.

    Also we have disruptive shot, a daily that only uses 25% of AP. It has a relatively short cooldown and with enough AP gain can be used as another encounter.

    Disruptive Shot also works really well with Stormstep Action if you can find a slot for it. My CD on DS about just over 6 seconds so you only have to delay it by another 3 seconds to get the full benefit from SsA for a 2.5-second CD reduction. Alas I do not have space for SsA on either my Archer (Pack, Falcon/TBS) or Combat HR (Pack, Lone Wolf), who does use DS however.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • aslan3775aslan3775 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 295 Arc User
    Oh---great. More changes to my equipment and playstyle :)

    But those are really good ideas--even though i have it slotted, I forget about my Disruptive Shot--and using it for another encounter is a great idea. I tend to like the passives that Lirithiel uses, so I don't think I will slot Stormstep Action, especially since it seems that Aimed shot also decreases the cooldown, so if I can keep my distance out to the 25-30', I rarely need to worry about running out of encounters.

    I was about to give up on my Sigil of the Devoted Cleric (Power/Defense) and slot something with more of the 'Big Three'--power,crit, arp. But if Defense helps a bit more than deflect, (Looking at your comment about defense vs. deflect (ala Sharpedge)), I may change out my Sigil of TR (Crit/Deflect) for Sigil of GWF (Power/Arp) and run with Sigil of DC, GWF, CW, and Lantern. For some reason, my Arp is way too low, and losing a bit of crit from swapping out TR looks like a good trade.

    Too bad these silly artifacts suck up so many Refinement Pounts and Greater Marks--not to mention the wards. It would be nice to get them all to mythic and then just swap out to see which ones work best.

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    You're probably way over the soft cap for CA too if you were running with Lantern and Sigil of the Trickster and you took all the CA boons. I reduced mine to 1000 and will likely leave it there.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • aslan3775aslan3775 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 295 Arc User
    Good point. My CA is quite a bit over 1000.
    So, two of the three from Sigil of the Trickster aren't doing me any good.
    Time to switch.
    Legendary isn't so bad--but the horribleness of getting to Mythic will need to wait until the next 2X RP.
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