im prompted to plant seed to start campaign ,i have no feywild sparks n cant get any weekly to get sparks, doing npc quests wont reward feywild sparks ether. ive dropped every qwest n restarted ive finished every dungeon and quest available. ive tried to buy feywild sparks cant get any relic shards unless i unlock how do i get feywild sparks or reset campaign from begining?
And yes, the introductory phases of each campaign are very delicate in this game. They have addressed certain issues, but many still remain.
As a rule of thumb, it's important to complete the intro quests for a campaign zone in one go (leaving the tutorial quests open has caused issues in the past, especially if they were open at the time of a major update). I also recommend never donating any campaign currency unless you are done with the campaign, or at least well on your way into it.