Looking for a guild thats already established no starter guild. Preferably one with a store. Only item level 2400 but play often and can easily get it higher! Looking to do guild events and other things. Psn ~ Da1dmoney
Looking for a guild thats already established no starter guild. Preferably one with a store. Only item level 2400 but play often and can easily get it higher! Looking to do guild events and other things. Psn ~ Da1dmoney
Hey bud, we are very close to having the marketplace completed, but we do have lumber, farm salvage vendor and stronghold 2.
hit me up if your interested - PSN aknifefight
F.I.F.O - Family In Family Out Rank: Founder PSN: aknifefight
Hey LOTIS is recruiting. We already have a market, guild hall rank 2 quickly working towards 3, and do guild events weekly. Shoot me a message on PSN if you're interested (PSN Droc43).
hit me up if your interested - PSN aknifefight
Rank: Founder
PSN: aknifefight