Bonding stones haven't changed in mod 10 that I am aware of. They are still far better than an augment in almost all cases.
Bondings are the luxurious high-end. Augments are still viable and probably more cost-effective mid-range.
The only noticeable change related to bondings was really a change to the DC's Weapons of Light feat to only share un-buffed power (excluding Companion's Gift). This fixed some unreasonable interactions but also significantly reduced the benefit from bondings on particular DC builds. That said, they're still superior to Augments so no significant change in relative value.
Bonding stones haven't changed in mod 10 that I am aware of. They are still far better than an augment in almost all cases.
Bondings are the luxurious high-end. Augments are still viable and probably more cost-effective mid-range.
The only noticeable change related to bondings was really a change to the DC's Weapons of Light feat to only share un-buffed power (excluding Companion's Gift). This fixed some unreasonable interactions but also significantly reduced the benefit from bondings on particular DC builds. That said, they're still superior to Augments so no significant change in relative value.
Bonding stones haven't changed in mod 10 that I am aware of. They are still far better than an augment in almost all cases.
Bondings are the luxurious high-end. Augments are still viable and probably more cost-effective mid-range.
The only noticeable change related to bondings was really a change to the DC's Weapons of Light feat to only share un-buffed power (excluding Companion's Gift). This fixed some unreasonable interactions but also significantly reduced the benefit from bondings on particular DC builds. That said, they're still superior to Augments so no significant change in relative value.
Did the power sharing actually get fixed already?
Yep. It's not out of control anymore. I copied the below from another thread:
Folks on preview did a bunch of testing to see what happens with base power. I think it's relatively in line with my experience on live (PC). Seems like people might find it useful in this thread.
For reference, below please find which elements contribute to the Mod 10 "Base Power" for DC Power Sharing (BoB w/ BF, WoL, AA).
The rule of thumb appears to be "if it has an icon by your portrait, it doesn't count" with the additional (sad) exclusion of Augment companions.
DO Count Towards Power-Sharing "Base Power"
Passive Stat Campaign Boons
SH Power Boon
Cool Resolve (IWD Boon)
Passive Equipment Stats
Healer's Lore Offhand Bonus
Insignia Stats
Mount Passive Bonus Stat (ex. +power from Guard Drake)
Companion Active Bonus Stat (ex. +power from Sellsword)
Assassin's Covenant (M10 Insignia Bonus)
Berserker's Rage (M10 Insignia Bonus)
DO NOT Count Towards Power-Sharing "Base Power"
Ring of Brutality (neither on player nor on companion)
OP Aura Gifts (they just sum together but don't interact)
Eldritch Runestone in Defense Slot Stat Bonus
Companion Legendary Active Bonus (+15% stats does not count towards your base power, but it does appear that the legendary stat bonus is calculated from the companion's buffed power stat, including any power buffs you are putting out)
Misc Tips & Tidbits(not rigorously tested in a manner like the above)
When multiple DCs are present, BoB w/ BF and AA appear to work on a "most recently applied" basis, instead of stacking. WoL from different DCs appears to sum together, but doesn't interact
Power buff does not affect Augment Companions
Power buff does affect Bonding Companions, which then can pass the amplified effect back to the owner. If the owner has a Legendary Active, that also benefits from the power buff (+15% passed back to owner)
If you didn't scrap / donate that old personalized adamant ring, it's actually great until we unlock Fangbreaker rings some time in 2018. Or make a new one, prices on the AH have gone down since you last looked.
I haven't been able to pin down exactly how Assassin's Covenant is calculated. Subjectively, the effect seems to be based on some analogous "base defense". I also suspect it's responsible for some small (1-3 %) vibrations in power in certain settings, although I can't think of what effect would cause that to happen. It's also extremely possible I'm just confused and wrong about this.
I saw a post saying that there were some problematic situations in the Fangbreaker subboss fights that cause non-augment companions to get themselves stuck and effectively removed for the fight, which makes an augment a good thing to have if you consider getting an entire companion with gear just to get around bad AI and design in a single dungeon to be "a good thing".
Bondings are the luxurious high-end. Augments are still viable and probably more cost-effective mid-range.
The only noticeable change related to bondings was really a change to the DC's Weapons of Light feat to only share un-buffed power (excluding Companion's Gift). This fixed some unreasonable interactions but also significantly reduced the benefit from bondings on particular DC builds. That said, they're still superior to Augments so no significant change in relative value.