Decided to update the wiki page on salvage which is just hopelessly wrong at this point, unfortunately a quick look at the dev blog shows some holes i need people to fill in if they would please.
Based on the Dev blog, underdark rings vary where they go based on their + value, however it doesn't state which +5 rings are considered, are they T2 same as the the +4's, or a unique value of their ow in the same way as guild armour.
As i understand it Seal of the Elements gear is T1, Protector Gear T2, however i haven't spotted (with a very quick search), values for infused gear, or for drowcraft, i'd assume thats all T2 but can anyone confirm? What about craftable salvageable items, people probably won't be salvaging those very often but i'd like to include the info on the wiki for the sake of completeness.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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