As the thread title states I'm considering starting a guild with a similar ethos of guilds I have run on previous games Wow, Rift and GW2.
I would like a UK/European Base primarily due to log in times.
I don't want this to turn into a job for anyone as it's a game and should be fun for all as we have enough stress to deal with in real life.
To achieve this i would need help from all so it would be more like a co-operative and not just people leeching.
Level doesn't matter nor does class as it's the person that counts and we will learn and get there anyway.
No set age as there are plenty of old immature gamers and vice versa.
I have tried a few guilds in game and none have really fit, not active, not uk based, not casual etc. So have come to the conclusion I'm going to have to sort it myself again.
Respond here or message me and maybe we can get something going?