The problem with this set of quests appears when you have to steal components.
First time of the day no problem
Then for some reason Bruenor will give you a quest in the same location...
And that's where sloppy coding comes back to haunt us
Since the instance memorize the fact you already gathered the components, they don't appear. If ther is another instance you're saved for this round by changing map.
But then Bruenor insists you have to go there again... and there is no fresh instance anymore so the quest is impossible to complete...
You then drop the quest and return see Bruenor but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this headstrong dwarf will insist in sending you back to this location where you KNOW you can't complete the quest.
You may drop the quest many times but he will still send you there... You think he may take the hint that yout don't want to go there but NOOOOOO he said go there, you will have to go there.
We could hope for some randomization in quest attribution that will allow us to work around the fact that an instace keeps track of your actions (the root of the problem) but no your farming of the alliance supplies is limited by the number of instance in a specific zone...
I just have to say... well done! It's such a well thought system...