I have been VIP for a few months now and I finally get a decent drop with my key of the day, a Trove of Elemental Evil. I look at the potential contents of the box and I see these 2 green item appearance changes I could potentially get. GREEN ITEMS in a paid lockbox? Come on man!!! Of course I end up with a ridiculous flame main hand item that is worth less than 500 AD and is a one time use. This is the final nail in the coffin for me as far as VIP goes. There is no way that anybody should be able to get hosed after we already beat the first insane RNG check. I am discouraged to see such a terrible system that seems to be designed against a paying customer.
I open a lockbox each day, and usually I even open whatever drops if that is openable... why not? Sure, I get a bunch of HAMSTER, or a couple ugly skins for weapons/shields, but sometimes I get some very useful items. It is all stuff I would never normally have if it weren't for the VIP status. So I just look at it as my daily free gift, and I never buy keys... way too much of a gamble for me!
Even if you buy VIP for the keys, 1000 Zen for 3750 Zen worth of keys is still a fantastic deal... but you have to enter into that deal knowing you're not likely to get anything good from your 30 keys, which is why I just treat my daily key as my free gift for being VIP!
You should be happy with your 500 AD flame main hand item!