Both versions of POM are bugged when you gold first phase but its not always triggered. Last 5 runs i had no bug even tho we got gold in phase 1.
It isn't, or better to say wasn't, random occurrence (i haven't been in PoM since mod 10 started). If you reach gold with 10 or 15 seconds and less remaining, timer resets and you will have phase 2 (i don't know exact threshold but it should be around those numbers). I did it with guildies few times trying to figure out exact amount of time needed to get "normal" phase 2 and it was something like 10-15 seconds. Worth mentioning that 3 x gold still mean that you will end up with +1 or +2 ring as a "reward" at the end.
I finished phase 1 with 1min+ time left and had normal timer in phase 2. It is random.