On 08/17/2016 I bought 500 Zen through the ARC Launcher using the ARC Rewards points. Waited 24 Hours, & it didn't show up. I Sent in a Support ticket via the Website, & have not heard anything back. Would like to know IF/WHEN I should expect deliver of the Bag, as stated on the in-game/online promo of it.
it's highly likely that you will receive the first time buyer's bag only if you use real money for your purchase. Maybe, Arc Reward Points are not considered as a first purchase.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
On a Side Note: Could the Pack's Tooltip be updated to state only Real Cash, & not the ARC Reward Points is valid form of transaction for the Promo?