Having a few problems with the new remorhaz companion.
It has two powers that work together: Excavate and Relic Hunter (at level 30).

Upon pressing 'F' on a relic, you receive the relic into your inventory and get a message in the log. The remorhaz then digs, and you either get a success or failure message. However, upon success, there is no message in the log to say you have received another relic, and the extra one doesn't appear in the inventory either.

Am I missing something? Or is this broken?
"Here's a circle... I'm not sure it's a real circle, so don't trust it too much!" Idril (AoGlyph)
Bought the trowel and a pair of boots (to trigger the set bonus), and haven't seen any benefit. Not buying the pet till its verified as working.
Perhaps they'll fix this soon.
Also, you named your Remorhaz Louie. A thousand gold stars.
The only advice I can give people is due to the mechanic for how the Remorhaz follows you it can be helpful to unsummon/resummon her right before you dig up a relic, that way you dont have to stand around and wait for her to catch up to you.
To make if faster/easier to summon/unsummon use this keybind command:
/bind F5 "GenSendMessage Pets_Summon_Unsummon_Button Activate"
Obviously you can replace 'F5' with whatever key you prefer.
(Also, +1000 for naming your Remorhaz Louie)