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Suggestions to improve the Guardian Fighter class

I'm a level 70 and have been playing since the PS4 launch, so I'm not as informed as you that have been here longer. That said, I still have some suggestions to improve the class that most everyone claims is outdated, and way under suited compared to all the other classes, the Guardian Fighter.

1 - Either Mark or Into The Fray should increase weapon attack rate. Aside, from being slow, they also deal a lot less dps without constantly buffing themselves compared to other classes at same level and item level. Seeing how a Paladin is the true tank class as of now, a GF should be a mixture of defense and offense, without so much focus on building threat/aggro. That should be the job of the class that can just easily cast Templar's Wrath and gain 300% HP, then take all the hits from threatened targets they want. It's nice to draw attention and be a decoy when needed, but when you're rolling with a Paladin, that role is already covered from their end, leaving me wondering what my role should be. Increasing attack rate would help even this character out, and make them more appealing and able to stand their ground, while being able to offer more offense when the defense is being handled elsewhere. The GWF is a barbarian sized class compared to the GF, but they swing their sword like twice as fast and do more damage. The OP does roughly as much dps as a GF, but has 3 times the defense and stunning capabilities. What edge can a GF say they have over another class? They can hold their shield up and do less damage to enemies, and at the same time have the luxury of taking almost not as much damage as the OP is taking without holding their shield up at all. I don't see any benefit in any of that, at all.

2 - Since a GF should be spending a lot of time with their shield up, it would be nice to have a power such as a ranged throwing knife or something, that either slows, stuns, dazes, or does DoT. This would allow the GF to be able to at least have a better chance at pursuing a fleeing enemy and not just constantly chasing after someone while getting picked off with ranged attacks, or allowing someone to just run in and use all their powers, then run away and recharge, and repeat. Each class should have some type of tool for each situation, at least for the most part.

3 - Tide of Iron should at least be able to hit 2-3 enemies that are in front of them, not just one. Hitting one enemy basically just allows a GF to drop an enemies resistance enough so that they can now do dps to one enemy like most other classes do without debuffing to all enemies, so they should at least have the ability to affect 1-3 enemies that are in the radius of attack. The Paladin's Shield Lunge at-will has this ability, and it has quicker execution, and has lunging ability. This just makes a GF seem like a Paladin's apprentice that won't overcome his master. Ever.

4 - Bull Charge should also be able to have area effect, meaning affect more than one character, at least if it connects with a cluttered mob. Again, the Paladin has Relentless Avenger, which is basically the same exact move, just with the ability to affect other foes within range. Please, if possible, explain to me how a GF is supposed to fill the same role as a Paladin, and has similar moves, but doesn't have any of the extra abilities of those powers. What is the role of the GF? Honestly? I love my character, but please give him a purpose. I am begging you.

5 - The GF's Daily powers damage outputs are extremely low considering the ones that are meant to be offensive based such as Crescendo, are single target only attacks, and do barely more damage then the Anvil of Doom encounter power which recharges for me, every 10 seconds, whereas the Daily, recharges probably every 30. Yeah, it stuns them, but if you're skilled and should be by level 70, you don't need a stun affect to land it, just wait for your opening. I'd much rather have it do more damage so it can be used a good finisher or edge retaker when needed. I can use Griffon's Wrath if I want to stun before using it, or even Flourish, which also seems like another redundant power to give a GF. Please do some balancing. It'd make me happier, and your company much richer, which I'm sure is your bottom line.


  • derio#3255 derio Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    GF holds the best aggro over any other class. The only class that can out threat a GF is a GF
  • felonioustub#9502 felonioustub Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I respec'd my GF the other night to play around with a different setup and I was amazed at how different it plays now. I like to get the aggro of the boss or biggest threat, get in between it and my group and with my shield up I can do a mix of shield and stabbing attacks, plus a few encounter and daily techniques and virtually never run out of stamina. As long as I'm not getting hit from behind, I can hold this spot all day. I'm currently level 65 and think I'll keep this for my run to 70.

    With the cleave at will, I still take down a fair bit of damage from groups of smaller enemies.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that there is heaps of options with different setups, so if you aren't happy with a particular action, spend some zen and respect and try again. It's pretty fun playing with different setups.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Most GF's ignore armor pen but if you want to speed up soloing and also help the DPS side of dungeon runs you need some.
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  • shulbocka#5589 shulbocka Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I know that a GF out agrros all characters, its just an OP could much better handle the threat with a flick of Templar's Wrath, and or Divine Protection (I think it's called); the bubble. I didn't know they had a guaranteed spot on any group though, that's good news. I'm sure it's because of Into the Fray, which has now been nerfed significantly I now read, so let's see how long that appeal holds for groups. I can accept the fact that I'm still new to the game compared to a lot of you, so I may not fully know what I'm talking about, but based on my experience so far, the GF is sorely misguided. If someone wants to tank, and live, or not just watch everyone else have all the fun, why would you pick a GF over an OP? I say all this, and will still keep my character, and who knows, the purpose of him may click one day. I just wish the paragon paths would either focus on the sword or the shield more, meaning build threat and sustainability for defense and stamina build, or aim more for the Spartan with shield bashes that daze or hit hard, accurate sword swings for better criticals and more damage overall, which they sort of had, until the devs realized it, then nerfed those too, such as Tide of Iron. A move that hits a single target, but somehow that's overpowered in the devs eyes even though you're up against 5-20 enemies at once most the time, and solo.

    Just reading the updates from Tuesday, wow, I have never been so not excited for an update to release. The things I did like about the GF like Battering Ram, Bull Charge, and Into the Fray all the got insanely nerfed. The damage outputs should have been left alone because high damage is needed since the go will spend most of his time chasing after people in say, PVP, while being picked off with ranged and aoe's, that it's nice to balance it back out when you finally do catch up to them. On top of that, all the personals I use got nerfed majorly as well. How does a large amount of people saying "this character needs to be improved" result a laundry list of nerfs? Is Arc the se company that destroyed Suicide Squad? I will test out more powers, but the damage improving ones just got nerfed more, and I originally came here to rant about how to improve them, just to find out they got destroyed even more, and labeled as improvements. No one has answered the question yet either about what is the benefit of picking a gf over an op if you're going for tank. If you're not going for tank, just pick gwf like the other 80% of the players? Just been reworked to uselessness is absolutely right as billyriz stated. I really don't wanna start a whole new character so the game will actually be fun, but if these updates suck as bad as they sound, I'll have no choice. Crossing my fingers I'm just flat out wrong as it wouldn't be the first time.
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